原帖由 JBL 於 3-3-2014 00:57 發表
【明報專訊】成龍日前出席美國影藝學院主辦的「向成龍致敬」活動,他表示已落實參演荷李活電影《轟天猛將3》。今次的電影劇本將由有份主演的史泰龍(Sylvester Stallone)親自操刀撰寫,他同時繼續擔任製片人一職。 ...
From imdb:
Sylvester Stallone offered a supporting role to Jackie Chan but Chan refused because he want to play a lead role.
Nicolas Cage was considered for the role of Bonaparte before Kelsey Grammer was cast.
Milla Jovovich turned down the role of Camilla due to her commitments on "Resident Evil 6" and "Cymbeline".