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標題: [others] GBB操作原理一問 [打印本頁]

作者: wing383    時間: 14-2-2014 01:40     標題: GBB操作原理一問

想請教一吓,當個bolt向後行時,個飛機仍然索住喺個hopup座度,然後靠條飛機彈弓拉佢縮番入個bolt度,呢個相信係正常現象,但想知道佢後既原因,以we scar為例,佢隻飛機尾有o ring咁,其實係要黎做咩㗎?謝謝指點……
作者: hean    時間: 14-2-2014 08:20

作者: nishi    時間: 14-2-2014 09:26

原帖由 hean 於 14-2-2014 08:20 發表
AEG係靠活塞係氣缸入面推前令空氣係前方湧出, 推動粒彈

冇記錯的話, GBB係氣體流入飛機之後, 初時氣體會向前湧出推動粒BB彈, 但同時會令個飛標(節流閥)移位令D壓縮空氣改為向後推, 做成BLOWBACK動作
至於飛機上面個O RING係要黎確保BLOWBACK順暢定係令推動BB彈既氣體唔會流失我就唔太清楚嚕...
作者: cccarlos    時間: 14-2-2014 09:31

原帖由 wing383 於 14-2-2014 01:40 發表
想請教一吓,當個bolt向後行時,個飛機仍然索住喺個hopup座度,然後靠條飛機彈弓拉佢縮番入個bolt度,呢個相信係正常現象,但想知道佢後既原因,以we scar為例,佢隻飛機尾有o ring咁,其實係要黎做咩&# ...
To move the bolt backward, you have to eject something forwards.

In a real gun, gas expands as the propellant in the bullet gets ignited, pushing the bullet forward and bolt carrier backwards. As the shooter, you feel the recoil as the bolt travels backwards. In some cases, part of the gas which traveled forwards gets redirected backwards through the gas tube to assist the cycling of the bolt, and through the compensator to exert forward forces and muzzle drop torques for stability.

In a GBB, gas also expands as the gas magazine is stroke. However, if you use the same amount of gas you use to push the bolt carrier backwards to push the BB fowards, you'll probably kill someone. Hence, a valve is place in the bolt nozzle. The valve closes as some gas travel through it to propel the BB, then the remaining gas from the gas magazine would expand in the chamber between the nozzle and the bolt carrier in a much slower manner to maintain pressure and efficiency. This pushes the nozzle forward, which is stuck to the gun body so it's actually pushing the gun forward, and it also pushes the bolt carrier backward. When the bolt carrier has traveled back to a certain distance, the spring in between itself and the nozzle would pull the nozzle back and the whole unit would cycle. When the bolt travels back, its momentum would more or less be compensated by the forward momentum of the gun body, hence a GBB is a giant gas operated vibrator. You can validate my claim by holding the trigger on full auto without shouldering it, it would just go back and forth in your hand (well there is a little bit of gas exerted forwards to generate actual recoil of the gun, but it doesn't take a lot of gas to propel a BB.

You could try and feel the actual recoil on a real firearm by shooting your GBB whilst having its tip placed against a wall or something.

gas expands in all directions; your GBB is a gas vibrator

[ 本帖最後由 cccarlos 於 14-2-2014 10:02 編輯 ]
作者: andre_ktss15    時間: 14-2-2014 10:20

隻o ring 係當飛標向前關上之後,氣流向後走時谷住啖氣推後隻煲
試下唔上o ring 打一槍睇下隻煲仲行唔行到咁後你就會明
作者: wing383    時間: 16-2-2014 00:17

原帖由 cccarlos 於 14-2-2014 09:31 發表

To move the bolt backward, you have to eject something forwards.

In a real gun, gas expands as the propellant in the bullet gets ignited, pushing the bullet forward and bolt carrier backwards. A ...
I understand it now, thanks for your detailed explanation, u are so knowledgeable!!!
thank andre_ktss15 too!!!
作者: king6    時間: 16-2-2014 17:46


作者: hean    時間: 17-2-2014 18:33

[quoteowwwkckab]原帖由 nishi 於 14-2-2014 09:26 發表

AEG係靠活塞係氣缸入面推前令空氣係前方湧出, 推動粒彈

冇記錯的話, GBB係氣體流入飛機之後, 初時氣體會向前湧出推動粒BB彈, 但同時會令個飛標 ... [/quote]

师兄明示,只不过我单纯讲紧blow back泥过动作遮
作者: toto0321    時間: 19-2-2014 09:26

原帖由 king6 於 16-2-2014 17:46 發表

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamai ... -ash2/t31/286889_10 ...
this is awesome!

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