"Note: 1911 type pistols purchased from CMP cannot be transferred to 03 FFL (curio and relic) license. BATF and the United States Army prefer the second background check be performed by a "store front" FFL dealer. Each customer purchasing a 1911 type pistol from CMP will be subjected to two NICS background checks, one performed by CMP and the other performed by the FFL dealer the pistol is being shipped to."
" Specifically, the bill would allow recently confirmed Army Secretary Mark Esper, previously the top lobbyist at defense contracting giant Raytheon Co., to transfer 8,000 or more .45-caliber M1911/M1911A1 pistols, spare parts and related accessories to the Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety as part of a two-year pilot program."
聽住先 作者: Ben_9413 時間: 8-12-2017 10:12
原帖由 JBL 於 2017-12-8 09:07 發表
暫時坊間估計會賣8000 ~ 10000 支, CMP 官方就等盤點/檢查完先作實數量
反應好應該會賣多好多, 因為自M9座正之後每年入倉 + 保養, 江湖傳聞每年每支成本至少兩蚊美金
十萬支廿萬美金, 買新o野好過
侵侵係醒o既 作者: kornhill401 時間: 8-12-2017 11:50
..當奴..叔叔係生意人,呢D橋,只有佢先諗到. Thx for sharing. 作者: rho837 時間: 8-12-2017 16:26