原帖由 derp 於 2-1-2019 13:57 發表
2. 我打個陣, 個GROUPING 係好穩定咁去左目標左手邊(我右手開槍). 網上1911 用家話係開槍手指擺得太入, 同埋因為45 出速比較慢, 手指個動作會影響到子彈出槍時個指向.
原帖由 derp 於 2019-1-2 22:43 發表
係. 不過係邊度出我就無留意啦. 只係佢D 件可能有D 舊, 雖然佢LUB 得好好都係STOVEPIPE JAM 左兩三次, 同埋佢D 夾有D 舊, 塊底片彎彎地, 有時頂唔到個滑架.
原帖由 Ben_9413 於 2-1-2019 23:41 發表
But then original 1911s are well known for being not so reliable... Just ask the Glock fanboys they will tell you all about it
原帖由 AICSman 於 9-1-2019 01:43 發表
one reason is the older 1911 internal part are cast metal. it requires experienced gunsmith hand sanding and polishing. The new 1911 most part are CNC cutting now.
原帖由 AICSman 於 19-1-2019 00:20 發表
一致好嘅1911,最緊要係fitting要緊同smooth. Trigger 一定要清脆又唔可以過重 , 1911 trigger 冇彈弓, 係用1片內行人叫3finger鐵片,同一粒叫sear嘅組合以控制trigger. 就係以上依兩點都要有好嘅手 ...
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