First prototype of the MP5K, produced in 1976. The first version of the foregrip was made of wood, and was subsequently reduced in size to aid in concealability. This foregrip was made from wood.
First prototype of the MP5K, produced in 1976. The first version of the foregrip was made of wood, and was subsequently reduced in size to aid in concealability. This foregrip was made from wood. 作者: MS 時間: 7-8-2008 18:32 標題: 回復 31# 的帖子
唔係迫,係有錢佬話事!ms去過sasc大本營school of infantry warminster(巳搬)IW初初計劃是7.62mm,因班專家深信7.62mm子彈最小150g彈頭才可靠,後來見NATO拍案而定才專心研究小口徑成現在之5.56但英國佬認為5.56彈頭50g太輕所以採用ss109子彈頭75g,到現在死心咬實5.56mm有效和實用射程300m,而初初IW4.48何以唔做呢!各位成班人飲啤酒個個話飲X力,你飲青X哥仔你點揾到人着數(個個不停地買X力但唔會買青X)明未!到頭來自巳買俾自已!