I agree with Tim ,the error code indicated that the Automatic Update service has been set to disabled.
To resolve do the following:
1. Set the Automatic Update service to Manual.
a. Click ”Start”, then click ”run”
b. Type ”Services.msc”, find ”Automatic Update” service in the right pane.
c. Double click ”Automatic Update”, please select “Manual” in the “Startup Type” drop list.
2. Push the agent again.
a. Please run “Computer and Device Management Wizard”.
b. Go through the wizard and find the target computer.
c. Push the agent to the target computer.
3.During the installation, ”Automatic Update” service will be started automatically.
4. When the install completes, stop the AU service and set to disabled. Agent will run fine.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Xiu Zhang - MSFT
Microsoft Online Community Support
原帖由 Pvt.King 於 27-10-2008 19:50 發表
搭單問下, 我依家個msn唔知做乜野, 淨係睇到人地用果d表情符號, 自己用果d 係打字個框就睇到, 但係messenage個框度就淨係得番果個表情符號個代碼, 有冇人識解我reinstall完都唔得
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