原帖由 Zap 於 31-7-2009 16:27 發表
...I dont think most local people has experince of driving on icey road.
including me..
原帖由 Hkpolice-Psu 於 31-7-2009 16:31 發表
but i tried to drive on dirt road already, that's great
after that, the hardest work is wash the car
原帖由 Zap 於 31-7-2009 16:36 發表
Driving on sand and snow is different.
I find it fun to do the car wash on Sunday afternoon.
OT: you know any workshop reliable for volvo S80?
原帖由 Hkpolice-Psu 於 31-7-2009 16:41 發表
i dun think so man
actuclly evo is the most safe car on hk road ever
just troble when meet "block"
原帖由 Zap 於 31-7-2009 16:50 發表
I just so afraid to see an evo behide my back....expecially those youngster with girl sitting beside ....they like tailgate very much... dun know why?
原帖由 Hkpolice-Psu 於 31-7-2009 17:01 發表
actuclly, i do always, but beside me is little o
actuclly i'm not always push, but sometime i met some C9 driving benz or bmw on fast lane , but slower than a track, wth?!
原帖由 denniscty 於 31-7-2009 17:07 發表
just want to ask "Secretary of the State"
is 4G63 an engine that's hard to handle?
also, is that reali difficult to get a E6 that's 直版
原帖由 inl 於 31-7-2009 21:00 發表
Don't like snow. Once lived in a place for couple of years that snow very much in winter. 5 miles took you 2 hours ride... Wheels spin and don't go...Slippery icey roads..dirty black snow on ground. ...
原帖由 hermanht 於 1-8-2009 13:31 發表
人地北海道 day one已經知道當地會落雪, 所以全部設計都預左寒冷環境, 同雪的負擔
人地機場落雪都有應急設施. 你自己諗下北海道同香港ge分別.
香港ge基建根本受唔住, 就好似香港冇地震, 為左減低成本, D大 ...
原帖由 龍先生 於 1-8-2009 14:13 發表
ching 想請問下你知唔知一般香港嘅大型樓廠design時take個factor of safety係幾多? 點解咁肯定受唔住?你知唔知一個metre cube嘅雪又有幾重???
原帖由 hermanht 於 1-8-2009 11:39 發表
香港水管, 電網設計根本受唔起, 首先冇水冇電, 連地鐵都冇得你塔. 之後到地面交通, 所有MTR ge人都上曬地面, 而且大部份係香港D車都冇預你落雪, 又死一堆.
冇水冇電冇交通, 住宅, 寫字樓ge屋頂(30 ...
原帖由 Boniface 於 1-8-2009 16:28 發表
係加拿大咁多年,見 ...
原帖由 Boniface 於 1-8-2009 16:22 發表
原帖由 MS 於 31-7-2009 17:21 發表
原帖由 Boniface 於 1-8-2009 16:22 發表
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