原帖由 rho837 於 3-12-2010 14:59 發表
吓 一定要穿甲先致叫打得死人! 用Hardball就叫造打唔死人? 不如你祥細講解比小弟聽…….!
似我地唔洗驚本港啲差佬啦! 拒地冇用穿甲!
原帖由 rho837 於 3-12-2010 17:34 發表
嗱細佬! 以前我都著個吓件vest! 到家吓我都會上_山打吓5.56! 我用Winchester M855同Norico MK262級別. 你打個邊隻5.56呀?
點解中意講吓5.56? 因為我都係射5.56 Ga.La!
原帖由 101653 於 3-12-2010 18:02 發表
大家都用5.56 , 大家都1人帶5隻匣 , 大家都係得5000人打杖 , 大家得200支導彈
全世界跟足呢個規舉打杖 , 咁就公平兼人道喇
原帖由 101653 於 3-12-2010 18:02 發表
大家都用5.56 , 大家都1人帶5隻匣 , 大家都係得5000人打杖 , 大家得200支導彈
全世界跟足呢個規舉打杖 , 咁就公平兼人道喇
原帖由 rho837 於 3-12-2010 12:33 發表
其實根國際法用”輕武器” 即係手槍及步搶只係主要用來自衛(向前方’敵人-意圖對任何人作出武力威嚇’面對面還擊而目的是’停止’ 武力威嚇而不是殺人). 當然’ 停止’ 係連同擊殺對方的可能性(由軍事法庭判決). For ...
原帖由 rho837 於 2-12-2010 18:46 發表
因為防彈物料越造越輕又越來越薄! 同時“龍皮”又能防穿甲彈能力提高! 唉! 要一槍殺死人嘅彈頭越來越普級!
不過我個人覺得5.56 X 45mm NATO (MK262) round就算用穿甲彈都係一般火力! 比起7.62 X 39mm M43 R ...
原帖由 Kungz 於 8-12-2010 16:24 發表
5.56 X 45mm NATO 唔係SS109/M855咩?MK262好似剩係米軍特種部隊有用…另外好似到而家都仲未有可以保證一槍殺死人既輕武器出現…
Small arms is a term of art used by armed forces to denote infantry weapons an individual soldier may carry. The description is usually limited to revolvers, pistols, submachine guns, carbines, assault rifles, battle rifles, multiple barrel firearms, sniper rifles, squad automatic weapons, light machine guns, and sometimes hand grenades. Shotguns, general purpose machine guns, medium machine guns, and grenade launchers may be considered small arms or as support weapons, depending on the particular armed forces.
In the U.S. military, small arms refer to handguns or other firearms less than 20 mm in caliber, and including heavy machine guns (typically .50 caliber or 12.7 mm in U.S. service).[1] The NATO definition extends to "all crew-portable direct fire weapons of a calibre less than 50 mm and will include a secondary capability to defeat light armour and helicopters."
原帖由 Ethan_meu 於 7-12-2010 12:33 發表
#8 & #11
RHO師兄! 好耐冇見你吹真槍既水! 講聲HELLO! 其實根你地上_山打5.56及7.62啲一般民用級別50m射程範圉內感覺以經好勁, 由其是啲中國掣民用MK262啲火力真係比M855勁一節! 你佬友亞龍哥及 ...
原帖由 Ethan_meu 於 7-12-2010 12:33 發表
#8 & #11
RHO師兄! 好耐冇見你吹真槍既水! 講聲HELLO! 其實根你地上_山打5.56及7.62啲一般民用級別50m射程範圉內感覺以經好勁, 由其是啲中國掣民用MK262啲火力真係比M855勁一節! 你佬友亞龍哥及 ...
師兄算吧啦! 遲些班小丑會LOCK POST呀!
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