各 Ching,
小弟支熗打完單發或連發後,有時會流一粒彈出嚟,要再上堂先可以再射,睇嗰 hop up 又冇問題,兩隻牙仔較到盡,真係唔知點解,希望各 Ching 可比小弟啲意見。
Thank you 作者: ace654hk 時間: 9-7-2011 10:54
I encounter the same issue, already return it to WXC for repair, yesterday, they call me to collect the Gun, but while I test it, found the problem still not yet fix. Need to wait again. ai................. 作者: ace654hk 時間: 16-7-2011 10:53
Just collect the MP5 from WGx on Thursday, problem had been fixed, and their services is good.