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標題: Any HONG KONG Gun Owner Post? [打印本頁]

作者: gykl3344    時間: 5-10-2011 22:08     標題: Any HONG KONG Gun Owner Post?

Any HONG KONG Gun Owner Post to share?
Just like to know what is popular in Hong Kong.
I tried to type in Chinese but it is pain in the a$$.
Rifle? Handgun?
How much for a box of 50rd ammo (9mm, .40 or .357mag or.45ACP)?
作者: b9296    時間: 5-10-2011 23:15

選擇唔多但限制勁多 - 想要既鎗未必會有人會幫你進口...槍管短過四寸既已經不明文地ban咗唔俾再賣(已擁有同埋借會員用既會鎗例外)

手槍不外乎都係Glock / .45 / S&W左輪等等既大路鎗種...9mm既之前系民間鎗會可以賣到$8.00港紙一粒 ...應該都知道香港係唔俾將手槍同某些長槍擺系屋企...

長鎗方面就要麻煩其他C Hing解答...
作者: rho837    時間: 5-10-2011 23:24


長槍有AR15Sporter, M1A, SLR, M24, M700, 有啲唔太青楚!唔會講.
作者: gykl3344    時間: 6-10-2011 12:55     標題: 回覆 2

Thankyou for your reply.
So basically Remington, Glock, 1911, S&W.
Well these are pretty popular in Canada as well.  Any NORINCO? NORINCO is very cheap (~HK$2900 for a 1911),  but very reliable, thus lots of people going for it.

Any Picture? please?
作者: b9296    時間: 7-10-2011 01:48

原帖由 rho837 於 5-10-2011 23:24 發表

長槍有AR15Sporter, M1A, SLR, M24, M700, 有啲唔太青楚!唔會講.
八蚊係聽返嚟既價(但懷疑唔係常規用既FMJ Round Rose而係唔知乜嘢奇珍異獸) - 正常五蚊左右...

長槍 - 漏咗提shotgun(870)...
作者: b9296    時間: 7-10-2011 02:04

我諗現有既香港鎗主應該都唔會PO相上嚟(一嚟唔方便二嚟怕見光死攞嚟衰)- 港人在海外擁有既鎗械收唔收貨

作者: gykl3344    時間: 7-10-2011 12:57     標題: 回覆 6

The first time ever I see guns being poured together like this
Why don't you keep them separately?
作者: b9296    時間: 7-10-2011 16:01

設計圖片   - 第一張想營造一下凌亂美而第二張就係扮去做世界(平時好錫鎗絕對唔會咁擺法 - 肯定會入原盒放夾萬)

好似好亂 - 其實影相前擺得勁小心...以前影嚟做wallpaper...
作者: kirk123    時間: 8-10-2011 08:25

原帖由 b9296 於 7-10-2011 16:01 發表
設計圖片   - 第一張想營造一下凌亂美而第二張就係扮去做世界(平時好錫鎗絕對唔會咁擺法 - 肯定會入原盒放夾萬)

好似好亂 - 其實影相前擺得勁小心...以前影嚟做wallpaper...
beautiful pistols & revolver u have ...
i envy u your belongings.
作者: b9296    時間: 8-10-2011 22:09

小巫見大巫 - 見提起咪一齊分享下
作者: kirk123    時間: 9-10-2011 13:40

原帖由 b9296 於 8-10-2011 22:09 發表
小巫見大巫 - 見提起咪一齊分享下
u're welcome la!
i guess u're gun club member.
作者: gykl3344    時間: 10-10-2011 10:16

Much Better than posting those "ROUNDS" pictures
作者: rho837    時間: 10-10-2011 11:22


The one showing ammos is a arms dealer he got a lot of good stuff as well! Don't smile at him la! He is a nice guy.
作者: b9296    時間: 10-10-2011 11:48

原帖由 kirk123 於 9-10-2011 13:40 發表

u're welcome la!
i guess u're gun club member.
以前係 - 不過都唔系香港...
作者: b9296    時間: 10-10-2011 11:57

原帖由 gykl3344 於 10-10-2011 10:16 發表
Much Better than posting those "ROUNDS" pictures
好人嚟架 - 以前有份造福香港鎗界(就連唔抵幫既死人頭都幫 - 不過當時知人口面不知心無計)...

作者: b9296    時間: 10-10-2011 12:01

原帖由 rho837 於 10-10-2011 11:22 發表

The one showing ammos is a arms dealer he got a lot of good stuff as well! Don't smile at him la! He is a nice guy.
當時本來想要支MK III - 不過行Arms Fair見到有呢支二手“應該係”MK II唔係系葡萄牙砌既就買咗...不過hammer spring被上一手換過變得好重(應該作用係減低後坐力卦...)

btw 點解無端端會系度“被放假”既?等我都留意下

[ 本帖最後由 b9296 於 10-10-2011 12:06 編輯 ]
作者: MMC    時間: 10-10-2011 12:40

原帖由 gykl3344 於 10-10-2011 10:16 發表
Much Better than posting those "ROUNDS" pictures
C-hing your statement will surely piss off someone but I totally agree~~
作者: rho837    時間: 10-10-2011 12:40

原帖由 gykl3344 於 6-10-2011 12:55 發表
Thankyou for your reply.
So basically Remington, Glock, 1911, S&W.
Well these are pretty popular in Canada as well.  Any NORINCO? NORINCO is very cheap (~HK$2900 for a 1911),  but very reliable, thus  ...
I don't know the current guns but the old (10 years ago) NORINCO 1911 frame said to be the highest quality and value for money despite the brand name at that time! Their 1911 frame consist certain amount of tungsten which make the rails very durable. I used to have one custom build single column 380super for IPSC entry class, but sold it to exchange the Colt 45 Gold Cup customised steel chellenge pistol!   Should I meet her again I won't let it go.
作者: MMC    時間: 10-10-2011 13:02     標題: 回覆 1# 的帖子

OK, my turn.

Quite old photo of my trusty partner, Gen 2 Glock 17, and a Gen 3 one surrounding with all kinds of broken parts from 1911s, BHPs and Sphinx pistols~~

圖片附件: Gen 2.JPG (10-10-2011 13:02, 174.43 KB) / 該附件被下載次數 150

圖片附件: broken parts.jpg (10-10-2011 13:02, 147.33 KB) / 該附件被下載次數 129

作者: rho837    時間: 10-10-2011 15:40

Sphinx pistol! You really are those OLD AXX Shooter in Hong Kong Gun history.

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 10-10-2011 15:42 編輯 ]
作者: MACV-SOG    時間: 10-10-2011 17:24

原帖由 MMC 於 10-10-2011 12:40 發表

C-hing your statement will surely piss off someone but I totally agree~~
作者: MACV-SOG    時間: 10-10-2011 17:28

原帖由 MMC 於 10-10-2011 13:02 發表
OK, my turn.

Quite old photo of my trusty partner, Gen 2 Glock 17, and a Gen 3 one surrounding with all kinds of broken parts from 1911s, BHPs and Sphinx pistols~~
And that is a very nice glock. Personally I prefer 2nd frame then 3rd frame.
The MP5 is very nice as well. Is that yours too?
Nothing can beats a burst trigger pack...Respect!

作者: rho837    時間: 10-10-2011 18:07

原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 10-10-2011 17:24 發表

算啦! 前排佢做完個大手術! 事實上本地真鐵(槍)擅能夠重到倒今日, 唔多唔小佢好大工勞, 好多人都好尊敬佢, 如果識佢真人佢係好nice既.

講真係外國玩真鐵(槍)容乜易! 我地係泰國成個靶場都打掔.....係香港(唔比平民玩窗既社會)唔好講手槍! 想拿支AR-15回家放! 好小人有呀!

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 10-10-2011 18:08 編輯 ]
作者: MACV-SOG    時間: 10-10-2011 18:10

原帖由 rho837 於 10-10-2011 18:07 發表

算啦! 前排佢做完個大手術! 事實上本地真鐵(槍)擅能夠重到倒今日, 唔多唔小佢好大工勞, 好多人都好尊敬佢, 如果識佢真人佢係好nice既.

講真係外國玩真鐵(槍)容乜易! 我地係泰國成個靶場都打掔.....係香港(唔比 ...
rho hing I think you are one of those '拿支AR-15回家放' people. Haha!
Nice to meet you all real steel owners!

作者: b9296    時間: 11-10-2011 00:11

原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 10-10-2011 17:28 發表

And that is a very nice glock. Personally I prefer 2nd frame then 3rd frame.
而家第四代既仲恐怖 - 一蟹不如一蟹 ...
作者: rho837    時間: 11-10-2011 10:26

原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 10-10-2011 18:10 發表

rho hing I think you are one of those '拿支AR-15回家放' people. Haha!
Nice to meet you all real steel owners!
SOG師兄, AR-15 SPORTER MARKING AIRSOFT 我就放左支在家.......都係呢句Nice to meet you real steel owner.
作者: rho837    時間: 11-10-2011 10:37

原帖由 b9296 於 11-10-2011 00:11 發表

而家第四代既仲恐怖 - 一蟹不如一蟹 ...
冇計! 我朋友係鑄模廠老闆, 佢講Gloxk廠以前sent啲報價單比佢做模具報價! 又要價錢平! 又要品質高! 合約條款又疴黑到出汁! 分分鐘冇錢找! 真係西人揾鬼做.......! 唉! 得個平成本! 啲新產品點會靚! 點會耐用!
作者: gykl3344    時間: 12-10-2011 09:16

I don't know anyone's background but I am so sorry if I pissed of anyone, but that is really too much and making this site boring and put every other posts to the bottom.
作者: gykl3344    時間: 12-10-2011 09:18

原帖由 b9296 於 11-10-2011 00:11 發表

而家第四代既仲恐怖 - 一蟹不如一蟹 ...
Yea, people still prefer gen 3.
I heard there is a problem with the recoil spring, being recalled several times.
I like your MP5.  Not available in RSteel so I bought a ICS MP5 instead.hg gui
作者: gykl3344    時間: 12-10-2011 09:25

原帖由 b9296 於 7-10-2011 02:04 發表
我諗現有既香港鎗主應該都唔會PO相上嚟(一嚟唔方便二嚟怕見光死攞嚟衰)- 港人在海外擁有既鎗械收唔收貨 ...
Yea, looks like you are going to "do the world"

I like you browning HP, GOOD Gun.

You know, guns is additive like drugs, I just cannot control myself from keep thinking of buying the next one.
作者: gykl3344    時間: 12-10-2011 09:29

原帖由 MMC 於 10-10-2011 13:02 發表
OK, my turn.

Quite old photo of my trusty partner, Gen 2 Glock 17, and a Gen 3 one surrounding with all kinds of broken parts from 1911s, BHPs and Sphinx pistols~~
Those Hollow Points are they Hydra Shok or whose the make?
I have a Gen 3 Glock 22.  The best I like Glock is it is really easy to field strip and clean.

Very nice gears.
作者: MACV-SOG    時間: 12-10-2011 10:05

原帖由 gykl3344 於 12-10-2011 09:29 發表

Those Hollow Points are they Hydra Shok or whose the make?
I have a Gen 3 Glock 22.  The best I like Glock is it is really easy to field strip and clean.

Very nice gears.
But the problem with glock is the weight different is too huge when the gun is loaded and empty...becoming harder to control when firing the last few rounds...
作者: b9296    時間: 12-10-2011 13:37

原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 12-10-2011 10:05 發表

But the problem with glock is the weight different is too huge when the gun is loaded and empty...becoming harder to control when firing the last few rounds...
OK啦 - polymer下身既都會頭重身輕...不過想求證係咪有啲款(e.g. USP / Springfield XD 等等)會系下身入面加鋼件令到支鎗平衡啲...
作者: b9296    時間: 12-10-2011 13:46

原帖由 gykl3344 於 12-10-2011 09:25 發表

Yea, looks like you are going to "do the world"
得支紅星連到戲 - 似以前香港電視劇啲大圈居然可以揸Beretta同埋其他外國名鎗去打劫


好後悔當時無買埋支54式 - AUD$250咋 x!! ...
作者: kirk123    時間: 12-10-2011 14:42

原帖由 b9296 於 12-10-2011 13:46 發表

得支紅星連到戲 - 似以前香港電視劇啲大圈居然可以揸Beretta同埋其他外國名鎗去打劫


好後悔當時無買埋支54式 - AUD$2 ...
real steel collector... ...
作者: MACV-SOG    時間: 12-10-2011 14:53

原帖由 b9296 於 12-10-2011 13:37 發表

OK啦 - polymer下身既都會頭重身輕...不過想求證係咪有啲款(e.g. USP / Springfield XD 等等)會系下身入面加鋼件令到支鎗平衡啲...
Not all ploymer are 頭重身輕...
USP is a lot balanced my friend. Glock is just too light.
作者: gykl3344    時間: 13-10-2011 05:40     標題: 回覆 36# 的帖子

GLOCK 勝在夠"平"
作者: gino    時間: 13-10-2011 11:50

原帖由 kirk123 於 7-10-2011 04:25 PM 發表

beautiful pistols & revolver u have ...
i envy u your belongings.
how about this......

圖片附件: DSC00031.JPG (13-10-2011 11:50, 52.55 KB) / 該附件被下載次數 113

圖片附件: DSC00053.JPG (13-10-2011 11:50, 63.05 KB) / 該附件被下載次數 114

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圖片附件: DSC00092.JPG (13-10-2011 11:50, 68.9 KB) / 該附件被下載次數 120

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作者: b9296    時間: 14-10-2011 00:32

原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 12-10-2011 14:53 發表

Not all ploymer are 頭重身輕...
USP is a lot balanced my friend. Glock is just too light.
Thanks - 所以就要求證補下飛 ...

而家便衣支P250同Glock一樣都係頭重身輕(拆過出嚟用手秤過 - 仲輕過Glock)...
作者: b9296    時間: 14-10-2011 00:35     標題: 回覆 38# 的帖子

Hi Gino - 支M&P好唔好打?
作者: gykl3344    時間: 14-10-2011 09:36

Lots of nice post.
Thanks for sharing.
gino hing: You shoot IPSC or 3 guns?
Are these your 3guns gear?
作者: gino    時間: 14-10-2011 11:51     標題: 回覆 40# 的帖子

The M&P better than Glock it base on stock gun. all my weapons been modify. They all can shoot fast with light recoil.
作者: gino    時間: 14-10-2011 11:54

原帖由 gykl3344 於 13-10-2011 05:36 PM 發表
Lots of nice post.
Thanks for sharing.
gino hing: You shoot IPSC or 3 guns?
Are these your 3guns gear?
Thx those are just part of my stuff. I am not IPSC or 3 guns shooter. I just a weekend shooter only.
作者: gykl3344    時間: 16-10-2011 10:29

原帖由 gino 於 14-10-2011 11:54 發表

Thx those are just part of my stuff. I am not IPSC or 3 guns shooter. I just a weekend shooter only.
作者: gykl3344    時間: 16-10-2011 10:43     標題: 回覆 39# 的帖子

作者: 阿堅    時間: 16-10-2011 14:11

原帖由 gykl3344 於 16-10-2011 10:43 發表
作者: gino    時間: 17-10-2011 00:39     標題: 回覆 44# 的帖子

only the lower  receiver is Noveske. I build the AR my own. it easy as you build the PTW or easier.
作者: b9296    時間: 17-10-2011 00:45

原帖由 gykl3344 於 16-10-2011 10:43 發表
作者: gykl3344    時間: 17-10-2011 05:47     標題: 回覆 48

Actually lots of police dept in the world prefer DAO.
作者: MMC    時間: 1-11-2011 20:17

原帖由 gykl3344 於 12-10-2011 09:29 發表

Those Hollow Points are they Hydra Shok or whose the make?
I have a Gen 3 Glock 22.  The best I like Glock is it is really easy to field strip and clean.

Very nice gears.
C-hing those are Winchester SXT, Federal Hydra Shok is too rare and difficult to obtain nowadays, I had some before but pity all went downrange already.

Nice Glock 22, for the .40 caliber pistol I got H&K USP and Glock 35.
I love Glocks cause they are really reliable and durable stuff.
作者: MMC    時間: 1-11-2011 20:20

原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 12-10-2011 10:05 發表

But the problem with glock is the weight different is too huge when the gun is loaded and empty...becoming harder to control when firing the last few rounds...
Don't think so, under stress (no matter gun fighting or competition shooting) a shooter is not able to feel that kind of different.......
作者: MMC    時間: 1-11-2011 20:22

原帖由 gino 於 13-10-2011 11:50 發表

how about this......
Interesting, C-hing did you do the stipping on your pistol's lower receiver yourself, or sent it to a gunsmith?
作者: MMC    時間: 1-11-2011 20:28

原帖由 rho837 於 10-10-2011 15:40 發表
Sphinx pistol! You really are those OLD AXX Shooter in Hong Kong Gun history.
C-hing I am not any OLD ASS however I do enjoy kicking ASS, especially some old bloody ass!

BTW, real respecting old ass in HK shooting history is Mr. Peter Dawson, definitely not that *talk gun* old tree.
作者: MMC    時間: 1-11-2011 20:31

原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 10-10-2011 18:10 發表

rho hing I think you are one of those '拿支AR-15回家放' people. Haha!
Nice to meet you all real steel owners!
Haha, I am too demanding and don't have any interesting to obtain any AR-15, my cup of tea are AUG, SIG 551, FN FNC.
作者: MMC    時間: 1-11-2011 20:47

原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 10-10-2011 17:24 發表


圖片附件: 踢.jpg (1-11-2011 20:47, 30.43 KB) / 該附件被下載次數 214

作者: MMC    時間: 1-11-2011 20:49

又到啲好舊嘅Gen 2 Glock相。
PS. ammo are Winchester Black Talon.

圖片附件: Glock 17&21.jpg (1-11-2011 20:49, 109.55 KB) / 該附件被下載次數 128

圖片附件: Glock 21&30.jpg (1-11-2011 20:49, 99.47 KB) / 該附件被下載次數 151

作者: MACV-SOG    時間: 1-11-2011 21:36

原帖由 MMC 於 1-11-2011 20:47 發表

整過個頭唔係應該正常返架咩? 愈整愈衰整黎托?
作者: MACV-SOG    時間: 1-11-2011 21:36

原帖由 MMC 於 1-11-2011 20:49 發表
又到啲好舊嘅Gen 2 Glock相。
PS. ammo are Winchester Black Talon.
Black Talon! Nice!
But Win. is no longer making these right?

And sure you are a glock freak ! 2nd gen, always looks nice.
Seems you have a preference on ploymer lowers?

[ 本帖最後由 MACV-SOG 於 1-11-2011 21:38 編輯 ]
作者: gino    時間: 6-11-2011 11:08

原帖由 MMC 於 1-11-2011 04:22 AM 發表

Interesting, C-hing did you do the stipping on your pistol's lower receiver yourself, or sent it to a gunsmith?
I did it myself very easy. dont need send to gunsmith
作者: rho837    時間: 6-11-2011 14:27

原帖由 MMC 於 1-11-2011 20:31 發表

Haha, I am too demanding and don't have any interesting to obtain any AR-15, my cup of tea are AUG, SIG 551, FN FNC.
PETER Dawson
C-hing you have AUG....... Kept at home?

我好耐以前都有G17同G21! 支G21(第一代)射射下會變G18!(AUTO FIRE)

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 7-11-2011 17:10 編輯 ]

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