
bfbc2 有更新喎..

bfbc2 有更新喎..

琴日先完成 質量效應2 全成就

MG3  勁左好多好多.遠中近都勁到有D霸道

等完重生時間  重生唔洗停1-2秒先出到黎..


sniper 單發既槍 威力好似高左小小..以前要好近先一槍死..(可能係太耐冇玩?)

rpg,m2 係目標中左訊號彈後 第2發唔洗重新追蹤(但好似要指一指佢先 基本上唔洗再等)

uav 機械槍準左..





Slightly increased the damage of the UZI at long range.
The AKs74u now has more felt recoil when aiming.
The G3, VSS, and all SemiAutomatic rifles now settle slightly faster between shots when aiming.
The PKM, Type 88LMG, G3, An94, and 40mm shotgun have returned to their former glory.
Increased the damage of the MG3 to bring it in line with the rest of the LMGs.
Fixed a bug where the Saiga12 with slugs would do too much damage at long range.
Fixed a bug where the SVU would do too little damage at long range.
Fixed a bug where M95 rounds would not kill armored targets with headshots.

[ 本帖最後由 m82a1m40a1 於 6-7-2010 15:43 編輯 ]


好似好多槍都強化左...其實係一開始佢set d槍 set差咋?...

RPG MAN 要返黎啦

講起Fixed a bug  M95 爆頭
有時我比人爆頭 係聽到碰一聲又唔扣血喎..


原帖由 azraelwing 於 6-7-2010 15:55 發表
講起Fixed a bug  M95 爆頭
有時我比人爆頭 係聽到碰一聲又唔扣血喎..
原帖由 azraelwing 於 6-7-2010 15:30 發表
多數係lag... ps3版成日都係咁...
特別係出左patch之後幾日/幾星期, 根本lag到玩唔到, __街EA

BTW, 神準既SMG始終都係無咩改弱, 依然可以靠SMG快速點射反狙擊

[ 本帖最後由 Pvt.King 於 6-7-2010 16:45 編輯 ]


Is the scope of GOL have changed?


原帖由 Pvt.King 於 6-7-2010 16:40 發表

BTW, 神準既SMG始終都係無咩改弱, 依然可以靠SMG快速點射反狙擊
SMG?係唔係 eng用d槍? 反狙擊比較少見...
原帖由 tonysze1996 於 6-7-2010 17:01 發表
Is the scope of GOL have changed?



http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/06/2 ... pany-2-patch-notes/

DICE have clarified that the new patch for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will hit at 11AM tomorrow (Weds) morning, UK time – 5AM Eastern Daylight Time. Here are the patch notes, including classics like “Knifing people in the back works again”.

   * Server – Some potential sources for lag/rubberbanding have been eliminated
    * Server – The old reserved slots has been replaced by a kick-on-demand system like in BF2
    * Server – Log file for server admins: all remote admin interface commands/events are logged
    * Server – Log file for server admins: major server events + all chat messages are logged
    * Server – Idle kick is controllable
    * Server – Profanity filter can be disabled
    * Server – Teamkill-kick system is controllable
    * Server – Ticket counts and bleed rate are controllable per-level
    * Server – Infantry only mode available per-level
    * Server – Initial spawn delay and respawn delay are adjustable
    * Server – Server description can be up to 400 characters, and use “|” for line breaks
    * Server – Banlist can contain up to 10.000 entries
    * Server – reduced latency in packet handling

    * Admin Interface – fixed the player.onKill spam that occasionally happened
    * Admin Interface – ensured that player.onJoin events always report the player name
    * Admin Interface – events triggered when people spawn
    * Admin Interface – much more info on kills
    * Admin Interface – detailed stats are reported at end-of-round

    * Gameplay – Various minor level bugfixes
    * Gameplay – Helicopter handling has been tweaked
    * Gameplay – Weapon tweaks have been implemented based on PC public feedback
    * Gameplay – Tracer dart gun speed has been changed from 300 m/s to 200 m/s
    * Gameplay – Fixed technical hang when a crate was armed outside of the combat area
    * Gameplay – “Victory is near” message was shown for the wrong team on Valparaíso, this has been fixed
    * Gameplay – Countermeasures can be fired when driving a helicopter
    * Gameplay – The brightness of the pilot view in the Russian helicopter has been reduced
    * Gameplay – Advanced Spotting scope works better
    * Gameplay – Knifing people in the back works again (we backed out the change for Server R11)
    * Gameplay – Hit box for moving targets expands based on the speed of the targets movement
    * Gameplay – G36 now has crosshair when in Hardcore mode

    * Server Browser – Servers are sorted into 3 categories: Normal, Modified, Hardcore
    * Server Browser – Added support for retrieving update progress
    * Server Browser – Now refreshes information
    * Server Browser – Join queue system when attempting to join a full server
    * Server Browser – All settings are automatically saved between sessions
    * Server Browser – Pings are sent via an alternate mechanism, which should work for non-Admin users as well

    * Client – Fixed DX9 issue, which likely caused graphics glitches and perhaps crashes
    * Client – Fixed some crashes
    * Client – Toggle/hold crouch is user controllable
    * Client – Toggle/hold zoom is user controllable
    * Client – Vsync bugfixed for DX10/DX11
    * Client – Rewritten how settings are written to disk; this should reduce/eliminate the spawn lag
    * Client – Fixed bug where a player could join a server before the stats has been downloaded
    * Client – New chat system allows chatting when dead and keeps a 100 lines log
    * Client – Improved Play Now functionality
    * Client – Removed K/D ratio and Skill Level filters in the leaderboards
    * Client – Any points you get while being dead will be added to your score
    * Client – Reduced negative mouse acceleration
    * Client – Increased health on the Cobra to match other vehicles
    * Client – More informative disconnection/kick reasons
    * Client – Support for Map Packs so PC gets future VIP maps at the same time as consoles


    * Slightly increased the damage of the UZI at long range.
    * The AKs74u now has more felt recoil when aiming.
    * The G3, VSS, and all SemiAutomatic rifles now settle slightly faster between shots when aiming.
    * The PKM, Type 88LMG, G3, An94, and 40mm shotgun have returned to their former glory.
    * Increased the damage of the MG3 to bring it in line with the rest of the LMGs.
    * Fixed a bug where the Saiga12 with slugs would do too much damage at long range.
    * Fixed a bug where the SVU would do too little damage at long range.
    * Fixed a bug where M95 rounds would not kill armored targets with headshots.

[ 本帖最後由 azraelwing 於 6-7-2010 17:56 編輯 ]




I use both M24 and GOL , but when i use the GOL today, the scope change and it is difficult to aim the target


狀況問題掛...同咪都有小小LAG既感覺...好多時射中人 都唔當中..


回覆 10# 的帖子

Once i use GOL , i HS one enemy 2 times but still alive~


GOL is extremely accurate and easy to deliver headshots ~
I think it's much better than m95
射擊之道: 起射線上,無情,無欲,無念.射不動心.有欲之射,必成濫射;無欲之射,方成精射;無射之射,是為至射也.

