原帖由 timchung2007 於 19-5-2011 20:22 發表
Open bolt do exist in real firearms. M249 and other machine guns are mostly open bolt.
喂! 個TOPIC係講掔一般真AR-15同WA & WE GBBR, Open-bolt or slam-fire 在其他machine guns倒掔係明啦, 所以我咪話如果對一般人講WA或新WE個M16, AR-15, M4 GBBR係open-bolt就真係有小小誤解???????唔知講 " 乜春 " ! 嗱 ! 你都明白open-bolt在machine gun個定議, 啲人叫支GBBR係open-bolt係咪有小小英文...B先!
所以用個新名代open-bolt係應該! 乜名比交好? Simple existing WA & WA clone are called WA. WE AWSS call WE and new WE(so called open-bolt)just call WEWA! 夠簡單嗎!
其實唔難理解叫WA GBBR做open-bolt! 因為WE有銅膽冇左啲空位, 而WA仿AR-15有空位隻手指插得入個chamber處! 又同時雙方都係有支bolt carrier, WA叫open-bolt就係一般香港英文叫法, 但係open-bolt以經一早有定議, 所以玩GBBR玩應該用其他名取代open-bolt.
Note: Typical AR-15 not included LWRCI LAR and the like.
本帖最後由 rho837 於 20-5-2011 11:59 編輯 ]