



The Worlds smallest Handgun.

The Worlds Smallest and probably the worlds most useless handgun is a revolver made by a company called SwissMiniGun of Switzerland. This miniature Swiss made revolver and its ammunition are painstakingly crafted using Swiss watch-making technology.  Perhaps they were bored and wanted to make something else than a watch !

The image below is actual size and depicts 25 tiny rounds of ammunition along with 25 blank rounds come with the gun. A magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers would also be a good inclusion with this gun !
These tiny rim fire bullets are fired at a velocity of 425 feet per second and although they are very small they are still lethal if fired at point blank range, beyond that and someone shot by this gun could find it annoying.

The SwissMiniGun's total length is just 5.5 cm and fires tiny cartridges that are just over a cm long at a  caliber of only 2.34 millimeters. The gun is based on the Colt Python 357 magnum and has all the same operational  features.

The image below shows the swissminigun in actual size.

A magnified image below shows some of the craftsmanship that has gone into the creation of this gun.

The magnified image below shows the six shot cylinder in the open  position with four rounds loaded. A close up shot like this is deceptive and one can think its a real sized gun.

The images below shows the tiny leather holster that accompanies the gun, it looks a little lost hung on the belt and resembles more of a key-ring than a real firearm of which it is.

A close up of the holster shows the intricate detailing and stitch-work that has gone into it.  All that work just to lose it later at the bottom of your drawer.

The Swissminigun Company has this to say about their novel little shooter "The manufacture of this exceptional miniature revolver has only been possible by exploiting the incomparable expertise and latest technologies of the Swiss Watch and Jewellery Industry, upon which its Worldwide reputation is built."

Except, it doesn't look nice and  its doesn't tell the time !

I fear though that their reputation may get a slight crease in the seams from the anti-gun lobbyists who deem this gun as nothing more than a dangerous toy and consequently the www.swissminigun.com website has already been closed down until further notice. At time of going to press as it were.

An 'exploded' view of the swissminigun shows the large amount of parts and craftsmanship that has gone into the construction of this gun.

The gun sells for about $5,000, but company chief executive Paul Erard has said most buyers choose the $30,000 model encrusted with gold and diamonds. Erard reportedly said only about 50 mini-guns have been sold, all in the Middle East. In a statement, Erard said he received a certificate from Guinness World Records citing the gun as the smallest working revolver that fires the smallest live ammunition.
The gun comes complete in a very nice little pouch that resembles an electric shaving bag.

This little handgun poses a big problem to airport security and such-like though as it would be very hard to detect and could be very easily concealed. Although the gun does not look very intimidating and would probably get more smiles and giggles from someone it was pointed at it must still be remembered that it can fire a little projectile at high speed that would still cause injury or even death if hit in the face or eye.
Generally this gun is more of a curiosity item though than a practical weapon, as a sharpened pencil jabbed into someone's shoulder would inflict more damage than one of its bullets. Over all a pointless exercise and a waste of the Swiss watchmakers skill.

[ 本帖最後由 winson26835616 於 28-8-2008 18:57 編輯 ]



