各位新兵去耙場燒耙,你知不知要多少工作人員呢!首先新兵在兵房由槍械教員,Weapon Instr.通常是一兩柴Lcpl/Cpl負責.在昂船洲有300M耙場,但只得6-8個耙(忘記了)所以一般去羅湖(20)個耙每次可供20個新仔射擊.MS在位時帶隊去,同時為省了交通時間曾在耙場露營.除了燒耙外還有其他課程,(concurrent Activity)而工作分配Range Staff有Range Conducting Officer(全耙場唯一決策人,所有發号施令)OIC Butts,Console,Operator,Tel Orderly,Ammo NCO, First Aid, Coaches 等等,新兵燒耙有十字車隨行.
To improve the firer's shooting techniques and knowledge to such a degree that he had the confidence and ability to use his weapon effectively in shooting practice.
身為Coach 一定要好修養,不能發脾氣,所以你們見到MS任X,可能有人說,禁你可以走吖
Coach must know
1. Marksmanship principles
2. Theory of group
3. Cause of bad shooting
4. How to get the best out of the firer
Marksmanship principles
a. The position and hold must be firm enough to support the weapon.
b. The weapon must point naturally at the target without any undue physical effort.
c. Sight alignment and the sight picture must be correct.
d. The shot must be released and followed through without undue disturbance of the position.
所以講咗Theory of Group先,Theory of Group is a series of shots(not less than three)fired at the same aiming mark with the same aim SAME FIRER, SAME POSITION,SAME DISTANCE,SAME WEAPON,SAME AMMO,同時Group是隨着Distance改變,例如在25M打1"Group 100M是4"600M是24"請問香港市民之英雄偶像特警哥哥如果在600M打到一包煙仔他在100M打幾大Group呢!還有其他因素例如太遠看不清!風阻,等等所以5.56mm的子彈怎樣做狙擊槍呢!
Marksman.......第一条,假定你們明白,第二条什麼是point to......without.......physical effort,請在家之牆上畫上或貼一個Aim Mark,(小心亞媽鬧)用槍,可用任何代替品,指着A.M.放鬆双膊閉上双眼重新用你的感覺再指向A.M.有沒有移了位,有就不是natural喇!或你可以Prone.......指着A.M.(留意高度)離地約6"擺定位置閉上双眼將槍咀指低,重新再瞄!如果又是指向A.M.表示自然地指向..........了
Focus 應放在前準星, 如果你發現後照門有些矇,可以買