2009年07月30日 (09:04 am)
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法拉利車隊於官方網頁宣佈, 40歲的舒麥加已經準備代替撞車受傷的馬沙上陣,未來數天會接受特訓,若果一切順利,將於下月西班牙站賽事出戰。
Ferrari intends to put Michael Schumacher in Felipe Massa's car
Maranello, 29 July 2009 - Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro intends to put Michael Schumacher in Felipe Massa's car untill the brazilian driver will be able to race again. Michael Schumacher said he is ready and, over the next few days, will undertake a specifc training programme at the end of which confermation will be given of his participation in the Championship with effect from the European Grand Prix on the 23rd of August.