105 1234567

[認真] 德州槍擊至少26人死亡

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原帖由 derp 於 8-11-2017 00:33 發表

呢個爭議點打到上聯邦法院上訴庭: US v Timothy Joe Emerson 270 F3d. 203 (5th Cir. 2001) 係個個案例入面, 上訴法院深入分析唔同學者對第一句既理解, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the se ...
Just my 2 cents. Many a time American people sit on the shoulder of giants, and just freely fuxk up. eg.since as a person, given the rights to bear arms, for a just course, to protect freedom and against tyranny as such, then why can't I buy a combat weapon resembling what soldiers have? Or a guided missile at that?


原帖由 loveless 於 2017-11-8 08:02 發表

Just my 2 cents. Many a time American people sit on the shoulder of giants, and just freely fuxk up. eg.since as a person, given the rights to bear arms, for a just course, to protect freedom and  ...
Actually, you can, only that they are strictly regulated   e.g. You might need other permits and papers to own rocket fuels for the ICBM that you want to get

Frankly speaking, it's about check and balance for the interest of the whole nation, otherwise the free born fuxk'ed up mu'icans won't just sit ducks and do nothing...


原帖由 Ben_9413 於 8-11-2017 08:57 發表

Actually, you can, only that they are strictly regulated   e.g. You might need other permits and papers to own rocket fuels for the ICBM that you want to get

Frankly speaking, it's abo ...
咪話, 最近睇緊一本書係講美國D titan 導彈人為管理好有問題, 而支野本身既設計亦好易發生事故. 本書其中一個結論係, 個40 年無更大既意外, 無發生核戰, 真係人類死好命.

(Eric Schlosser, Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety (Penguin: 2013))
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


原帖由 derp 於 2017-11-8 09:21 發表

咪話, 最近睇緊一本書係講美國D titan 導彈人為管理好有問題, 而支野本身既設計亦好易發生事故. 本書其中一個結論係, 個40 年無更大既意外, 無發生核戰, 真係人類死好命.

(Eric Schlosser, Command and Contr ...

US nuclear force still uses floppy disks
26 May 2016


俾你買到支核彈都買o吾番D floopy

[/off topic]



[ 本帖最後由 Ben_9413 於 8-11-2017 09:36 編輯 ]


原帖由 loveless 於 8-11-2017 08:02 發表

Just my 2 cents. Many a time American people sit on the shoulder of giants, and just freely fuxk up. eg.since as a person, given the rights to bear arms, for a just course, to protect freedom and  ...
fair enough, reductio ad absurdum. 任何一種論點推到極端, 都只會變成荒謬. 我諗到底第二修正案係指個人定係集體, 定係係一個集體裡面既個人, 先有權利"葵"帶及擁有槍械 -- 以及係乜野槍械 -- 都係一個大家都不能取得共識既議題. 所以先會有5:4 呢d 咁既比數出現.

有趣地, 雖然第二修正案"容許"個人擁有及"葵"帶槍械, 第二修正案並非呢個權利既法律基礎. (United States v Cruikshank 92 US 542), 因為第二修正案只係對國家權力作出限制. 所以例如我去返工, 然後老細叫我唔好帶槍. 我唔可以拗佢"侵犯"左我第二修正案既權利, 除非我老細係聯邦政府 -- 當然跟住個問題就係老細係作為老細定係聯邦政府限制我帶槍.

但係我地唔可以忘記, 就算係第二修正案 (及第十四修正案關於程序正義既句子, 見District of Columbia v Heller 554 US 570 (2008)) 容許個人擁有及"葵"帶槍械權利, 憲法亦都無講過呢個係絕對權利, 更無講過政府唔可以加限制. 講憲法時, 要將"次等" (derogable) 同絕對權利分開. 有d 乜野係絕對權利? 一個人生存既權利, 一個人除非在正當法律程序審判下不可以被褫奪生存既權利, 之類. 相反, 次等(其實我唔肯定derogable 係咪真係應該叫做"次等")權利既意思, 即係話如果政府有合理原因下 (普通法中, 包括美國及香港, 稱之為Siracusa Principles) 可以對佢地作出合乎比例既限制.

而如果我地將d 法院裁定為"次等"權利既野拎出黎睇係乜: 言論自由, 人身自由 (無錯, 如果國家係緊急時係可以無須正當程序將人拘留), 等等, 佢地之所以為"次等"係因為呢D 權利係可以有正當原因及合乎比例下可以容許被政府奪去, 以平衡公民與公民之間既權利, 以及國家生存.

如果話"點解唔可以買一支同軍人類似既武器", 事實上法律係俾唔到答案既. 一方面可以話軍人用既個人武器咪同民兵既設立有直接關係羅. 但係另一方面政府可以話容許擁有呢種槍械"可能"(應該有案例講過-----掛?)對其他人既權利或者對國家安全造成不成比例既威脅, 所以要禁左佢. 不過去到最後, 點樣不成比例同點樣同設立民兵有關係, 呢個又係睇返成個時空. 1939 年可能係講緊散彈槍, 今日講可能會係講緊AA12?

所以, nope. 用reductio ad absurdum 去拗的話, 去到最後就會變成師奶講價 -- 點解機關槍可以, 但係機關炮就唔得; 點解手槍可以但係衝鋒槍又唔得, etc, etc.

[ 本帖最後由 derp 於 8-11-2017 10:13 編輯 ]
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


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原帖由 derp 於 8-11-2017 10:03 發表

fair enough, reductio ad absurdum. 任何一種論點推到極端, 都只會變成荒謬. 我諗到底第二修正案係指個人定係集體, 定係係一個集體裡面既個人, 先有權利"葵"帶及擁有槍械 -- 以及係乜野槍械 -- 都係一個大家都不 ...


原帖由 Opica 於 7-11-2017 17:03 發表
http://www.dailywire.com/news/23 ... ructor-hank-berrien
I grabbed a handful of ammunition and started loading my magazine. And I’m trying to survey the situation, not knowing what’s going on; and then I saw a man in a black tactical helmet with a dark-shaded helmet on, and obviously looked to me like it was a bulletproof vest. He had a pistol in his hand, and we exchanged gunfire. And I was standing behind a pickup truck for cover, and we exchanged fire. He saw me, and I saw him, I’m like, it was surreal to me; it couldn’t be happening. I couldn’t believe it. I know I hit him. He got into his vehicle, and he fired another couple rounds through his side window. When the window dropped, I fired another round at him again.
原來個救人英雄係 NRA instructor   
NRA 美國全國步槍協會, 平時俾左翼日日小, 日日鬧. 今次終於立左件功績.

今次個槍手有備而來, 全幅武裝有晒避彈衣頭盔,
如果唔係有呢個訓練有素既教練在場阻止, 俾個槍手玩多十幾分鐘等警察慢慢到場, 隨時死多一倍人


原帖由 Ben_9413 於 8-11-2017 09:33 發表


US nuclear force still uses floppy disks
26 May 2016

俾你買到支核彈都買o吾番D floopy

用兵之道,攻心為上,攻城 ...
其實搵張floppy disket好容易! 因為市場上重有好多IBM Servers都重係行緊Tape Drive同Floppy! IBM UNIX Serves一開機就唔會息機! 有servers行40年都唔會息機(除左維修保養息一息機)! 我兩部HP servers都開都行了12年就燒了! 如果倍i mac行兩年就打柴!

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 9-11-2017 21:25 編輯 ]


原帖由 rho837 於 2017-11-9 21:14 發表

其實搵張floppy disket好容易! 因為市場上重有好多IBM Servers都重係行緊Tape Drive同Floppy! IBM UNIX Serves一開機就唔會息機! 有servers行40年都唔會息機(除左維修保養息一息機)! 我兩部HP servers都開都 ...
5.25吋 有剩D磁帶都o吾知仲得o吾得

你話開line再整另計o拉, 錢實解決到o既


原帖由 Ben_9413 於 9-11-2017 21:35 發表

5.25吋 有剩D磁帶都o吾知仲得o吾得

你話開line再整另計o拉, 錢實解決到o既
其實係重有生產! 不過係只供應俾server用! 我2年前至買了個新Tape Drive!


原帖由 rho837 於 2017-11-9 21:49 發表

其實係重有生產! 不過係只供應俾server用! 我2年前至買了個新Tape Drive!


到尾, 工業用o既o野真係成本問題夠用同穩定就ok, 以前D program 幾百k 上到外太空, 不過現時眼光都係再難以破壞及工業壽命再可以持續D會理想D


Server係統行UNIX為主! 當年幾十年前用UNIX寫Applications要用高昂成本開發! 所以重新寫新Application同Programme系統給新Server用就十闊十大! 但都係俾同一個答案! 所以現今好多用家會買新Server機但照用翻原有Application/Softwares/Drivers/ etc!  所以CRT green monitor/ Tape Drives/ Disket Drives重有在Server世界內有生全空間!


http://nypost.com/2017/11/09/her ... of-daughter-police/

“A short time later her father heard his dogs barking and saw his front motion-activated flood lights come on,” the statement continued. “He also heard what sounded like his car door closing and went to get his gun.”

He saw some people trying to force their way into his garage and fired three shots, sending the would-be intruders scurrying into the woods, police said."


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