原帖由 dickyan28 於 14-8-2012 10:59 發表
應該係話同體質有好大關係, 因為體力ok就相對身體散熱速度跟得上, 如果唔係大熱天時從事戶外體力勞動果班工人就唔駛開工喇
主要係一般人運動唔夠, 平時座足一日有冷氣辦公室, 一下子夏天整件厚vest打outdo ...
haha, man
my point is everybody, no matter they got gd stamina or not, would like a fan when summer
Im doing research all day, in the middle of the ocean; on the top of the hill...there's got no sun-shade at all...And I act as US infantry as well, I wear OTV + FLC in the summer; still, I would like to add a fan