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Sir, No Sir

No, I ended up with the Marines, but I quit half way, the recruiter lied a few things about my contract, and there are a lot of things that is not as portrait in movies and many other propaganda material.

In basic training, there are a lot of "Brain washing".  I understand it's necessary to be brainwashed (they call it "indoctrination").  I didn't think the training was hard, I run and go to gym religiously before I joined, so the physical training was easy.  It's the constant brainwashing that I can't stand, they lie to you about everything, teach you 'their version' of history, telling you USMC never lose a battle, etc.  I ain't stupid, just don't being lie to.


回覆 #16 PVT.Tamama 的帖子

I understand.
Despite the brain wash, what else did you learn as a marine?
And btw, I am no sir.
It was your name that made me said private, no offense at all.


A lots of stuff: M16A2, obstacle course, a lot of PT (Physical Training), a lot of military study, history about the marines, military standards, military laws (USMJ), hand to hand combat, bayonet training, Drills (matching), etc.

Brainwashing aside, I think it's great training.  It trains a civilian how to live properly.  I used to get up pass 12pm, sleeps at 4am.  My life is a mess, zero organization, very inefficient.  Military trains a person to live efficiently, I learned to fold my bed, clean my barrack, get myself ready to go in less than 10 mins.  I do things a lot faster and waste less time and energy than I do as a civilian.  I get up at 0330 and go to bed at 2000, I get more sleep than I do when I am a civilian.  Very motivated and full of energy, which I like very much.


回覆 #18 PVT.Tamama 的帖子

sounds very very interesting but
there's no military training or whatsoever in HK

i'm quite jealous of people having those trainings


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A corpsman would be a sailor and not a marine. The functional title Navy Corpsman would replace the normal naval rank of Seaman/Petty Officer


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