Hi Dear ,
I hope this e-mail message meet you well? I am in need of your assistance. My name is Lt. Col. William Bill Russell of the Engineering Unit of US Military (MARINE) here in Ba'qubah in Iraq.
We have about USD$20 Million (Twenty Million United State Dollars) that we want to move out of this country (Iraq). My partners and I need a good partner out there, someone we can trust to receive these funds on our behalf. It is oil money and legal, there is no room for fear. Please do not disclose this deal to anybody as to protect my duty with the US Marine; we must keep a low profile at all times. More details regarding this deal will be made available to you as soon as your interest is shown.
We have made arrangement with a Diplomatic Courier Service that will move the funds out of Iraq as Family Treasures to where you want it and we can as well use the Bank to Bank transfer method. It all depends on the option you think is safe for both of us. The most important thing is; "CAN I TRUST YOU"? Once the funds gets to you.
As soon as the fund gets to you, simply take out 20% as your share and keep the remaining 80% for investment on our behalf. Your own part of these deals is to find a place where the funds can be sent to. If you are interested, I will furnish you with more details upon receipt of your response. But I can assure you the whole process is simply and we need to keep this deal as a confidential matter. I do not need lousy or noisy person please. Website:
I look forward to your reply and co-operation.:willrussell80@yahoo.com
Lt. Col. William Russell