
inokatsu User Pls Help

inokatsu User Pls Help

I am planning to get a CQBR super version for indoor CQB use, can some current ino user tell me:

1) is there any N.P.A.S for adjusting power as the original power is 400fps which is too powerful for cqb
2) is inokatsu outer barrel the same as WA outer barrel? as I have a silver one sitting around
3) what needs to be done to use prowin magazine that originally bought as WA magazine? I alreayd have one for WA GBB
4) is changing prime hopup + AEG inner barrel suggested? or stock inokatsu inner barrel and hopup setup is good enough?


Just buy the latest 2010 CQBR version and get the INO parts for prowon magazine and shoot round first talk. NPAS can buy the RA-Tach bolt set, maybe the latest version has it ready, the rest is not major concern.


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As usual, the NPAS can adjust easily, while the hop-up (I think) of the 2010 version similar YYA M4 GBBR under the barrel.

