

我最長都只係試過(係大學三條友一齊(TEAM WORK)連趕5份尾期畢業論文料目大projects)54個鐘左右! 吸左X包煙仔, 勁拍咖啡因丸, 飲勁多水, 茶, 黑啡, 雞清!

好記得星期五三點鐘一口氣交五份Projects總供15本電話簿咁厚功課, 9份Presentations (三曰後做present) 及 5份300字Executive Summary比Professor過目作平估考試分數(?分/25分)最小Project合格分數為20分out of 25分, 別外考試75分至少要有45分為合格!   當年頂得住! 大家(同學一男一女)坐入我架車到就瞓著! 一睲就十點幾.......一起去唐人街食消夜! 回家時除對軍BOOT! 臭X死!

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 23-6-2014 13:01 編輯 ]


原帖由 sovietarmy2012 於 23-6-2014 16:17 發表
101%認同! 一生人有一半時間瞓係張床到包括做愛! 叫人人發達未必做到, 但預備一舊錢買張靚床褥就好多人都做得到!

10 Tips for a better sleep

1. Establish a regular bedtime and wake schedule

2. Exercise regularly, but not too close to bed time

3. Consume less or no caffeine, especially in afternoons, and avoid alcohol before going to bed

4. Sleep on a good bed - click here to find a great bed!

5. Avoid nicotine

6. Avoid heavy meals close to bed time

7. Develop a sleep ritual (a warm bath before bed, listening to quiet music etc)

8. Ensure you bedroom is cool (about 16 - 18°C), dark and quiet

9. Your bed is made for sleeping - avoid doing everything else in bed, like reading, watching TV, working, eating etc

10. If you can't get to sleep for 30 minutes, get out of bed and have some warm milk or chamomile tea, then try again

SEALY POSTUREPEDIC 絲漣床褥! 買了她之後! 曰曰瞓得好之如啲背痛小了八成! 兩成痛由食机肉鬆弛藥物及物理治療或樓上骨出火搞掂!

