
彈藥禁藏住所 警捱轟

They better ban all firearms and live ammunition together is much easier than restricted ammunition kept at home!

Some people already wrote to HKP regarding this matter! Follow Singapore! Their government want a guns free environment! The only solution is to build a permanent advance public indoor shooting ranges complex to cater all calibers all types of competitions for everyone! That means no one can bring guns & ammo into or out from the complex. All your guns are kept inside the complex and you can buy any type of guns you like, and they have rooms inside you can hire to polish; clean; play around and fxxk with it.


唉! 時時刻刻都有用刀殺人新"文"! 唔通就要立例張屋企所有啲菜刀! 生果刀! 界紙刀! 剃鬍刀! 鋸扒餐刀! 通通可以用作攻擊性武器! 係咪要用條一尺長鐵鏈鎖係廚房內先致叫做安全! 遲啲出23條立法! 到時你有牙都當成攻擊性武器捉走你erase你.

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 8-6-2011 12:37 編輯 ]


MS哥! H企蛇A都話係屯門Pillax Pxint垃圾堆填區興健個呀運靶場! 乜野都"話"挍掂灑.......但係冇錢起! 由四仟去到一億! 重加上"聽聞"有人......ICXC.......傷飯開左files.......

