

緊係啦! 入口任何真”武器 - 槍械彈藥”或有關配件及雙關物品都有可能違反本地法例! 時不時啲警察就會做野! 不過多年來本港冇因為這類走私入口貨品用作非法用途! 大多數只用作改裝為玩具槍品或私人收藏! 同時啲有組織武器犯罪集團在本港犯案都係由內地及東南亞地方進入本港(冇手尾跟). 所以香港仔用真槍打劫係零%! 但用吓啲珍品元素落支玩具就可能有伍十%! 但係現時因外國(99.999%由米国 )出口雙關貨品(新或舊; 有牌或私人; 大量或小量)都好有難度! 所以啲現有商品咪貴翻鑼! (多人求咪貴翻! 冇人求咪有價講如地)!

由其是YYE出得太多款試GBBR, 啲現有外觀配件會越來越多人問! 某啲舊件會因而貴翻!

所以我地都放手唔買珍品! 等啲5條A貨….. 切玩具槍容似得多.

唉! 一句講灑! 張來珍品會冇運行! 啲玩具廠, 如:YYE(越來越有錢) 就會聯同外國真槍制造商合作出License配件(希望有5條A質量)! 又唔會犯法又唔會太貴!

就好似自從有大陸仔鐵AK玩具以來, KWS AK磚家小左好多生意!

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 6-1-2011 12:57 編輯 ]



老兄! 咪今得意住! 聽人講! 啲”車節狂” 有tritium (T - 氚[超重氫]) 即係放射性氣體! 好毒呀(係會毒死人個隻)! 你都係盡量唔好成日(在室內)摸支鏡! 唔玩時收翻入盒再收入啲厚木盒內! 支鏡太舊有可能會漏氣吸一野可能好傷身!

以上都係聽翻泥! 係真係假我唔知!



嗱 !  我都覺得啲內地話含Tritium既平價產品好大幾會係其他物料(分分鐘毒好多)! 米佬支”車節狂” 話到底兩皮野內一定唔會比假野重好大幾會比足料……. 所以睇吓以下知料:-


Health risks

Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen, which makes it bind to hydroxyl radicals to form tritiated water (HTO), and that it can bind with carbon atoms readily (C-T). The HTO and the carbon-tritium compounds are easily ingested by drinking, or by eating organic or water-containing foodstuffs. Since tritium is not a very active beta emitter, it is not dangerous externally, but it is a radiation hazard when inhaled, ingested via food, water, or absorbed through the skin.[14][15][16][17] HTO has a short biological half life in the human body of seven to 14 days, which both reduces the total effects of single-incident ingestion and precludes long-term bioaccumulation of HTO from the environment.

Reference acknowledge from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritium

冇計! 我都好想有一支TA01! 但都只係買友EoTech

