原帖由 spec.ops. 於 10-7-2010 15:06 發表 工具唔係貴,自己砌係一種樂趣
10-7-2010 17:34
原帖由 siupo 於 10-7-2010 15:02 發表 unless you are not planning to do anything to your gun in the future, i just don't see the reason you pay $500 to have someone to assemble your gun.... i mean if you have the right tool (the wrench, b ...
原帖由 GMA 於 11-7-2010 21:11 發表 落d松香膏,用辣雞之前用沙紙(醒醒)個雞頭,易上好多呀!
原帖由 spec.ops. 於 12-7-2010 20:05 發表 板機彈弓