
仿 eotech 反光問題

仿 eotech 反光問題

1) 市面有邊隻冇咁反光? (先多謝答"買真品啦!"既師兄 )
2) 有冇咩diy良策?


師兄,小弟係用雙眼瞄嘢嘅,但問題係如果light sourse 夠光又係背脊嘅話會反光反到淨係睇到 light source


原帖由 2slow 於 18-9-2013 17:44 發表
搵一d有 anti-glare coating 既產品, 或試下貼塊磨沙高清貼啦
貌似磨沙同高清係 opposite?

我想問, 如果我搵到塊有 anti reflective coating 既鏡片, "癡"落接目鏡度, problem solved?

[ 本帖最後由 shingfd 於 18-9-2013 18:04 編輯 ]


回覆 4# 的帖子

light source唔光咪ok


回覆 8# 的帖子

師兄, 試左, reflection is even more serious as more light is being reflected out

老實講, 小弟並非係度雞蛋裡挑骨頭, 首先小弟支野吾係吾夠光 (outdoor ok), 吾係驚打爆等等. 小弟純粹係打game時真係遇到哩個問題, 又發覺係replica 既通病, 所以想集思廣益睇睇有冇得搞...

講返個問題. 首先問題並非前鏡問題: 有幾位師兄不約而同指出, 粒dot俾其他野係前面阻住, as long as aim with both eyes its ok. this i perfectly agree (not that i hvnt tested before)
問題係, 平時接目鏡因為材質問題會將部份光反射 (Ray1), 但由於紅點同埋周邊景像既光 (Ray2) 比較強, 所以個scope仲發揮到佢既function. ( eye -- glass -- target )

但如果背住光源 ( light source -- eye -- glass -- target ), 光源強到某一個地步 (just tested with my surefire - 15 lumen is already an overkill), 或紅點同埋周邊景像既光較弱時, 咁Ray 1 > Ray 2, 結果target 同 red dot both are not visible, and all one can see is a bright reflection... and all this could be avoided if the 接目鏡 is able to let most light from the outside source to pass through it (and therefore the function of the anti-reflective coating) so that not much light is reflected and affecting the aim.
so its not about whether one can see the target clearly through the scope, but the fact that the red dot is not being able to be visually spotted.
now i know a lot of 師兄 would stop at this point stating the fact that only the real deal has the AR coating on their lenses, my further question is:
1) is it really that expensive to have such a coating?
2) is it possible to acquire glasses with such coating? (i think its possible i just dunno where to buy, its like normal lenses ppl wear which has no 度數 but with the AR coating)
3) will the problem be solved (theoretically or not) by sticking such AR coated glasses on the 接目鏡 or
4) is it possible to swap the 接目鏡 with such AR coated glasses while still performing its scope function normally?

[ 本帖最後由 shingfd 於 18-9-2013 23:11 編輯 ]

