

痴線!係London等幾日洗死。星期六係Heathrow等的士出番去London等左3個幾鐘。其間見到大部分港生除左識拎住各識各樣的電子產品去找插蘇叉電外,我見唔到有人係識找酒店/方法離開Heathrow。Terminal 一關除左叫好凍,又唔識找衫着。女ge着熱褲加絲襪,男ge polo shirt + 牛仔褲。好難唔覺得凍。D鞋仲好野,女ge Cons,非密頭平底鞋,男ge,平底無文ge休閒鞋。先唔好講"洗"唔"洗",人ge體温足以融雪,對鞋濕到咁+上-1度ge温度一定唔舒服。跟住見到有幾個仲同Heathrow staff 嘈,叫人開個Sitting area 俾佢地等的士走。我覺得個個都凍到咩咁,點解人地要優待你?無錯當日Heathrow ge情況係亂到飛起,但係人地幫你唔到ge時候,係咪應該自己想方法呢?


原帖由 kimkileo 於 21-12-2010 17:42 發表

或者咁講,佢真係夠獨立ge,係Heathrow 一定唔會凍死/餓死。
話無$係身ge,我唔信你找不到人一齊甲錢搭的士離開機場出番Central London找酒店/野食。
我覺得留係Heathrow係唔安全。因為無足夠ge staff控制場面。人又多又焗。好易出事。
我覺得lee D 時候一定要好快做決定。留同走點解要諗咁耐?只懂complaint真係無用,但係當日,大部分港生除左識complaint同玩/叉電子用品外,跟本無諗過自救。
不過有幾過女仔真係好勇,見我一個人等緊的士就走埋黎問我係咪出Central London 找洒店問可唔可以一齊?我話我去火車站搭火車番宿舍。佢地話咁我地可唔可以係你到住?我話我成間屋都係男人wor~而且無咁多位俾你地3個人訓。佢地話無問題可以孖鋪ga ma~我堅持話唔好la,佢地先肯走。


回覆 40# 的帖子



回覆 46# 的帖子

Initial response is critical.
On last Sat around 20:00, BAA anounced all flights cancelled. At 20:30 I was able to pick up all my stuff and went for Heathrow Express. Once I got into the subway and it was flooded with people. At the same time, I saw a group of HK students surrounded a socket and discuss who should use first to charge their electronic equipment. I really don't know what is in there mind. 2 mins later a PCSO came down and shocked by the situation. He couldn't control the situation and called for backup. Meanwile, I decided to leave the airport by taxi and started queueing. At around 21:05, tube and Heathrow Express are suspended. People started to leave the subway and the open area outside the terminal 3 was instantly flooded with people. I saw lots of HK students crying out loud for feeling cold due to the freezing temperature. However what they wore are extremely less as mentioned on previous post. Furthurmore, some of them are still looking for socket to charge their ipod, ipad, laptop. Once BAA said all terminals will be closed, they then ran out and queue for taxi. Some of them even jump on the queue. What kind of attitude that is? I really don't know.  I knew about that taxis stuck on M25, but they were still coming to heathrow just slowly. I waited outside for three hours. I know it was overbooked but why don't just queueing outside? I know hotel price will rise a lot. No one asked you to stay in a 5 star hotel. There is a website called last minute. I sure you can find some B&B for only 35 pounds a night. Furthermore you can leave your contact information  to the airline and they will contact you when there will be a flight for you. You are right I was not in Heathrow for the weekend. I understand the situation overthere. I understand everyone is in panic. But everyone can do better to reduce the chaos.  I know if I were there I would not be able to sleep as well.  But I would say that getting out is a better way than staying inside heathrow.
P.S. I am not mean to say that but please watch your language. Harmony is very important .

