原帖由 rho837 於 5-10-2011 23:24 發表 你係邊處買狗仔?今貴! 長槍有AR15Sporter, M1A, SLR, M24, M700, 有啲唔太青楚!唔會講.
原帖由 kirk123 於 9-10-2011 13:40 發表 u're welcome la! i guess u're gun club member.
原帖由 gykl3344 於 10-10-2011 10:16 發表 Much Better than posting those "ROUNDS" pictures
原帖由 rho837 於 10-10-2011 11:22 發表 支Hi-Power好靚仔WOR. The one showing ammos is a arms dealer he got a lot of good stuff as well! Don't smile at him la! He is a nice guy.
原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 10-10-2011 17:28 發表 And that is a very nice glock. Personally I prefer 2nd frame then 3rd frame.
原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 12-10-2011 10:05 發表 But the problem with glock is the weight different is too huge when the gun is loaded and empty...becoming harder to control when firing the last few rounds...
原帖由 gykl3344 於 12-10-2011 09:25 發表 Yea, looks like you are going to "do the world"
原帖由 MACV-SOG 於 12-10-2011 14:53 發表 Not all ploymer are 頭重身輕... USP is a lot balanced my friend. Glock is just too light.
原帖由 gykl3344 於 16-10-2011 10:43 發表 今日玩過支P250,原來係DAO,DOUBLE ACTION ONLY. 不過個trigger都不太重,無左輪咁,都ok. 不過都係SA卅DAO好d. 唔知P250係唔係得DAO?