
WXx showroom services

WXx showroom services

To whom it may concern,

            Last night (2013-02-02), I went to wxx showroom at Mongkok at about 1945 hours as the showroom should be closed at 2000  hours as stated in the website (http://www.wxxxxxxx.com/wxx2008/main/aboutus.php).  However, the door is locked and I knocked the doors.  It is quite surprising for me that the company like yours does not even have a door bell and your customer needs to knock the door. After a few minutes, somebody came out, a very short man opened the door (I am not going offend your staff but they don't have a name tag to identify themselves) and said the computer has been shut down and the time was 8 already. What a great answer to your local customer.  For a Hong Kong people who lives in Hong Kong for more than 28 years, it is the first time I learned that there is a time difference in Hong Kong.

             As you know the market share of your company in wargame stuff is decreasing dramatically in recent years and your boss is trying to explore the new market Hong Kong.  He offers the showroom services and online order to the local people. I think he is on the right track to offer the online ordering service to the local people as your salesLADY in the showroom has no knowledge about products that your company selling to the customers.  For the saleman who wears glasses is the most helpful one but in slow motion. I thought I was watching Matrix at that time. For the so called gunsmith, he does not have such professional knowledge and technique to fix the airsoft guns. Therefore, doing product research in front of the PC is more efficient than asking your staffs.

            This is the second time, I wrote a complain letter to your company. Last time, you replied that you had received my reply already BUT no follow up actions. Don't worry! I am not going to write the third one as I will not go to your shop or buy things from your company again as there are so many choices available for me who spent more than HK$50,000 a year on wargame stuffs.
I will post this letter on various forums both local and oversea to let other customers to judge. I am looking forward to your 'acknowledgement' reply. But I think you have to give an explanation to your boss.

            Last but not least, as a loyal customer like me, a little suggestion to your company, close the showroom or sell your business to the others. Look at your competitors, like eh0bbyasia, they have the products to provide immediately instead of asking the customer to pay the deposit and return to get the products a few days or a few weeks.

Your loyal customer in the past,

