原帖由 48191 於 21-11-2018 15:15 發表
「但也有美國農支持特普的做法,印第安納州種植大豆、玉米和小麥的農民拉姆齊(Phil Ramsey)接受CNBC訪問時說,「他(特朗普)有畢生的商業和談判經驗,我相信他正在為這個國家做最好的事情」。為這個國家做最好的事情。」他說。
我都正常, 不過會睇全文. 亦唔加字, 唔減字, 唔為立場去改字.
“中國市場是一個擔憂,”在印第安納州種植大豆,玉米和小麥的Phil Ramsey說。 “他們進口我們大豆的三分之一,所以這是一個很大的市場。我們很努力爭取到這個市場份額,我們不願意被南美拿走這市場份額。”
“美國人民選舉特朗普總統領導我們,”Phil Ramsey說。 “他有一生的商業和談判經驗,每個人都有自己的談判風格。所以我必須相信他正在為國家做最好的事情。”
"China is a concern," said Phil Ramsey, who grows soybeans, corn and wheat in Indiana. "They take one-third of our soybeans, so that's a big market. We've worked to get that market share and we'd hate to lose that market share to South America."
"The American people elected President Trump to lead us," said Ramsey. "He has a lifetime of business and negotiation, and everybody has their own style [of] negotiations. So I have to trust that he is doing the best things for the country."