原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-1-2013 00:45 發表 Hop Up 系統 is not entirely like S7....use a screw to adjust... the inner barrel is a little bit annoying to take out....I dun wanna try...let other ching show u la== here's the "aeroplane" ...
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-1-2013 02:04 發表 ok' do the power and accuracy test tmr night
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-1-2013 03:14 發表 買Maruzen改sd身同架 Btw, 要買就快,呀朗嗰度無哂銀色,淨番黑色咋
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-1-2013 14:22 發表 哈哈 我對007無興趣,淨係覺得銀色靚 Maruzen嗰枝直頭抵啦,sd個身又真係好貴... 唔緊要啦,呢枝display真係唔錯
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-1-2013 14:37 發表 有decock 呢把嘢blowback好細 我未執hopup, 但就咁睇好似唔太準 不過cqb 5-7米應該ok嘅
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-1-2013 15:37 發表 落咗油,cock多幾次 幾順 換哂俾maruzen ge150% recoil spring 都ok ga 當有幾廿把槍 穩定落場嘅真係得三四把 枝枝要執順,好打for落場真係好貴== 所以呢枝我當display
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-1-2013 19:47 發表 BTW, QXF is out of stock lu
原帖由 JBL 於 31-1-2013 21:03 發表 我3點幾時銀色仲有幾支,黑色無晒.......
原帖由 JBL 於 31-1-2013 21:12 發表 哈...新大洋D貨,下個月仲有先算,以前佢出果把M9你依家仲有無見到有人賣吖?
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-1-2013 22:39 發表 POWER TEST: WE Gas, WE 0.25g 6mm BB 1st shot: 2nd shot: http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i464/kai_matt/DSC_4215 ...
原帖由 kai_matt 於 1-2-2013 21:23 發表 thx ching.... but a magazine will be wasted..... would it be better to simply change the valve?
原帖由 kai_matt 於 3-2-2013 23:06 發表 yea I saw many ching buying PPK/s yesterday that's when I get the black one=]
原帖由 kai_matt 於 3-2-2013 23:12 發表 yes collection of black and silver.....
原帖由 kai_matt 於 3-2-2013 23:52 發表 well...it's compact, handy, classic and gd price actually.....my main concern is that I wanna buy both 德國納粹鷹 wood grip and Walther wood grip