
手槍魔膠 30m/50m 官方 Grouping Test Video

笑爛人個口嘅彈度, 的確係店到聲稱嘅距離, 但係點樣埋去就真係。。。。,, 個原理係OK嘅, 但我真係原全因為比個video put-off 咗。 所以我諗我係決定鑼開條PDI內管之前。。,, 睇定啲先。,


To be honest..,, the term effective range is pretty vague, very much varies from shooter to shooter and from eyes to eyes. We've (well i've) seen enough seller claiming "50m A4 sized target"... When i saw the official video i was utterly disappointed, it's meant to be a showoff for goodness sake., with the pistol the BBs did manage to stretch far enough but were bending it like Beckham. The AEG demo was ...... like BBs out from a sprinkle head..,,,,,

I'm not millionaire so like most of your guys i'd like to see cheaper alternatives to First/Nine Ball, that are better or near as good. i did hear some reasonable results from a mate or two., I'll see if i can see it for myself. But before then..,, i'm not ready to ditch my purple stockpile yet


我浄係睇過講英文,chok 過gbb 果條片。,

