原帖由 MK46 於 27-7-2013 14:42 發表 呢張圖係我第一個揾出黎,點解咁顯,系因為波音747系有四引擎 如佢只用兩個引擎,系飛到下不過好快失速咁解。 同埋其實仲有搞笑野,睇下第一張相,gay 講完
Any 747 model is capable of maintaining altitude up to about 27,000 feet at 90 percent of Maximum Takeoff Weight on any two engines. At lower weights, it can gain altitude. The problem with any multi-engine airplane is that whatever caused the dead engine to die is also likely to get the remaining engine(s) before too long. So any engine-out situation is a critical situation. But a 747 flies about as well on 2 engines as (let's say) a Piper Aztec flies on one engine. Have an enjoyable flight! Source(s): retired Boeing 747-200,300, 400 Captain http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080916121547AAYUeMI
原帖由 亞爾多 於 29-7-2013 01:35 發表 一次叫撞板 兩次叫黑仔 三次要反省