31-12-2012 13:56
原帖由 2slow 於 31-12-2012 15:04 發表 Thanks for sharing, the slide looks cool 成支野幾錢呢
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-12-2012 14:30 發表 my next project should be Special Agent Glock 19 but VXC now got the full marking one...dunno I should buy it or use KJ glock 23 to build one.... the cost will be a big difference
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-12-2012 15:25 發表 呢堆料要過三千呀? 我計計應該二千中至尾得wor....
原帖由 kai_matt 於 31-12-2012 16:34 發表 哈哈 換條回樘彈弓係基本動作啦 原來sd有出牌仔架? 我以為得guarder同gm