

type 45都未正式服役
HMS daring下水都成兩年前既事

Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely


原帖由 derek_lok 於 1-4-2008 19:19 發表
返而我想知新個艘航空母艦搭載F-35B/C 幾時下水
wikipedia 幫到你

search Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carrier
Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely


晒氣啦 RN冇錢又冇人, 復條毛就有

四四方方係減低radar signature, 多數新艦都係以呢個方向發展, 唔關神盾事
Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely


原帖由 auxair 於 2-4-2008 01:24 發表
晒氣啦 RN冇錢又冇人, 復條毛就有


what is this?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Que ... ss_aircraft_carrier

i don't deny these are very capable equipments, but new generation of aircraft carrier does not mean it is going to 復興 the royal navy again. even the first sea lord admitted that these ships are designed to integrate with the US navy, so where the hell is the pride if the navy is pseudo subordinate to the US navy?

lets face it, RN has been in steady decline since WWII, main cause is the constraint in government defense budget, but also the steady decline in number of people willing to join the armed forces.  

they plan to have two new CVs, but experience tells that by the time one is almost ready, the second one will be canceled due to budget concerns.
Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely


原帖由 皇家御貓 於 2-4-2008 01:27 發表


Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely


原帖由 auxair 於 2-4-2008 08:53 發表

Now that the Cold War era is gone, except for the PLA Navy and Indian Navy, all navies are now just a shadow of their former glory, even the US Navy.

Comments analytical and fact based w ...
man you need some sense of humour!!!

by the way if i didn't make that comment would this discussion be initiated? look on the bright side!!

i am no expert on naval strategy, i don't know how exactly this is going to integrate with the US navy but the evidence is clear
Admiral Sir Alan West former First Sea Lord giving evidence in the House of Commons

(for a) deep strike package, we have done …quite detailed calculations and we have come out with the figure of 36 joint strike fighters …that is the thing that has made us arrive at that size of deck and that size of ship, to enable that to happen.

I have talked with the CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) in America. He is very keen for us to get these because he sees us slotting in with his carrier groups. He really wants us to have these, but he wants us to have the same sort of clout as one of their carriers.
I have been living in the UK for the past 8 years, and one thing that I understand of this country very clear is the pace that things are done. The carriers were first proposed in 1998, that has been 10 years and procurement for the steel has just only started. With this way of doing things, how is UK going to 復興? That is why I said 復條毛, of course I am not going to leave it like that, this is just a way of initiating discussions.
Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

