1) 請問"越戰虎紋"是否只有南越才有?=No Thailand has tigerstripe as well but not as many as VN in terms of variety
2) 玩虎紋的裝備是否跟其他uniform 一樣的?(好似h帶,s帶)=yes
3) 越戰時的h帶,s帶是否只有od色?=yes
4) 越戰時的h帶,s帶跟其他國家的是否不同?(德國...)=totally different
5) s帶上的彈匣套擺放位置是否不變的?還是隨意的?=Have official position but individual will modify to suit oneself
6) 請問越戰時有m733嗎?=I do not think so
7) 那的的m1911該用那種槍套?(有硬膠的那種嗎?)=no, use black leather
8) 還有什麼要注意呢?=a lot of money and read more books