原帖由 Hkpolice-Psu 於 13-10-2011 13:34 發表 完全同NAVY SEALS無關系...
原帖由 bbc100 於 13-10-2011 21:48 發表 At least there is some development on the M&P, It was a .45 model with 5" barrel. This year, it changes to a 9mm model and 4.25" barrel.
原帖由 ayaka 於 14-10-2011 12:01 發表 因為RECEE RIFLE其實一直無SPEC公開過 所以D人自己吹
原帖由 bbc100 於 14-10-2011 14:31 發表 i prefer the .45 too. 但係呀教主用9mm咪出9mm囉。 如果唔係d fans又插呀。