1) 邊枝口啤好d?A.P.S EBB會唔會好易壞?
=>GP,A.P.S EBB係好易壞
2) 邊枝槍既改裝空間大d?定係一樣呢?
=>一樣, 除左A.P.S
3) bolt lock 係咪即係冇彈果時會lock住射唔到?
4) 雖然大力唔 = 準、射程遠,不過請問1.5J打室外夠應付嗎?
5) 要打準既話,除左換精密管,仲要換咩?
整好密氣, HOP UP
其實有$4-5K budget,不如直上marui ebb......
[ 本帖最後由 Vindicator 於 30-10-2010 23:07 編輯 ]
09" Giant TCR2
JN8:12 I am the light of the world; he who comes with me will not be walking in the dark but will have the light of life.