回覆 32# 的帖子
師兄意思係有人出CONVERSION KIT 俾WE 85A2 定係WE 自己出85A3?
EDIT: 噢, 原來WE 自己廠已經有. 都真係有D 貴. 唔知佢係咪都係用返舊系統同舊BOLT 呢. A2 唔只係BOLT 同入彈咀咁簡單, 重要成日漏氣, 搞到都係放櫃算. 心淡.
[ 本帖最後由 derp 於 25-5-2020 12:53 編輯 ]
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."
Sir Edward Coke