
[認真] 德州槍擊至少26人死亡

原帖由 loveless 於 7-11-2017 22:41 發表
我諗好多人都冇認真睇過second amendment.
Person, persons, people. People 係collective body, 唔係個人。

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the  ...
呢個爭議點打到上聯邦法院上訴庭: US v Timothy Joe Emerson 270 F3d. 203 (5th Cir. 2001) 係個個案例入面, 上訴法院深入分析唔同學者對第一句既理解, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State" 其中一種理解係"第二修正案不適用於個人", 第二種係"有條件既個人權利", 第三種係"第二修正案容許個人擁有武器既權利". (見Emerson 一案A 部份). 而第五上訴法院考慮好多 (唔知係咪全部, 又或者係咪齊) 州最高法院同聯邦上訴法院案例後, 得到既結論係:

"We agree with the district court that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to privately keep and bear their own firearms that are suitable as individual, personal weapons and are not of the general kind or type excluded by Miller, regardless of whether the particular individual is then actually a member of a militia."

而Miller (United States v Miller 307 US 174 (1939)) 係聯邦最高法院案例, Miller 例外係指任何不能在現時同一支有紀律既民兵既保持同效率有合理關係既武器 "some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia."

簡單黎講, 即係話係Emerson 一案, 聯邦第五上訴法院裁定政府不可以限制個人管有及"葵"帶(食字, 同音)槍械既權利, 但係條件係1. 個d槍械係適合作為個人武器; 2. 要係同一支有紀律既民兵既保持同效率有合理關係 (Miller 一案係關一支18 寸槍管12 號散彈槍事, 當時最高法院話無證據法官唔可以自己話支野係唔係同一支有紀律既民兵既保持同效率有合理關係), 但兩個條件同個個人本身係咪民兵組織成員無關.

而同一個結論係2008 年聯邦最高法院既 District of Columbia v. Heller 554 U.S. 570 一案亦都係以5:4 裁定, 第二修正案係容許個人擁有武器.(Antonin Scalia 上年過左身, 唔知如果同一個案件今日再審, 9 個法官會係4:5 定係5:4?)

[ 本帖最後由 derp 於 8-11-2017 00:44 編輯 ]
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke

1 個讚好! TOP

原帖由 Ben_9413 於 8-11-2017 08:57 發表

Actually, you can, only that they are strictly regulated   e.g. You might need other permits and papers to own rocket fuels for the ICBM that you want to get

Frankly speaking, it's abo ...
咪話, 最近睇緊一本書係講美國D titan 導彈人為管理好有問題, 而支野本身既設計亦好易發生事故. 本書其中一個結論係, 個40 年無更大既意外, 無發生核戰, 真係人類死好命.

(Eric Schlosser, Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety (Penguin: 2013))
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


原帖由 loveless 於 8-11-2017 08:02 發表

Just my 2 cents. Many a time American people sit on the shoulder of giants, and just freely fuxk up. eg.since as a person, given the rights to bear arms, for a just course, to protect freedom and  ...
fair enough, reductio ad absurdum. 任何一種論點推到極端, 都只會變成荒謬. 我諗到底第二修正案係指個人定係集體, 定係係一個集體裡面既個人, 先有權利"葵"帶及擁有槍械 -- 以及係乜野槍械 -- 都係一個大家都不能取得共識既議題. 所以先會有5:4 呢d 咁既比數出現.

有趣地, 雖然第二修正案"容許"個人擁有及"葵"帶槍械, 第二修正案並非呢個權利既法律基礎. (United States v Cruikshank 92 US 542), 因為第二修正案只係對國家權力作出限制. 所以例如我去返工, 然後老細叫我唔好帶槍. 我唔可以拗佢"侵犯"左我第二修正案既權利, 除非我老細係聯邦政府 -- 當然跟住個問題就係老細係作為老細定係聯邦政府限制我帶槍.

但係我地唔可以忘記, 就算係第二修正案 (及第十四修正案關於程序正義既句子, 見District of Columbia v Heller 554 US 570 (2008)) 容許個人擁有及"葵"帶槍械權利, 憲法亦都無講過呢個係絕對權利, 更無講過政府唔可以加限制. 講憲法時, 要將"次等" (derogable) 同絕對權利分開. 有d 乜野係絕對權利? 一個人生存既權利, 一個人除非在正當法律程序審判下不可以被褫奪生存既權利, 之類. 相反, 次等(其實我唔肯定derogable 係咪真係應該叫做"次等")權利既意思, 即係話如果政府有合理原因下 (普通法中, 包括美國及香港, 稱之為Siracusa Principles) 可以對佢地作出合乎比例既限制.

而如果我地將d 法院裁定為"次等"權利既野拎出黎睇係乜: 言論自由, 人身自由 (無錯, 如果國家係緊急時係可以無須正當程序將人拘留), 等等, 佢地之所以為"次等"係因為呢D 權利係可以有正當原因及合乎比例下可以容許被政府奪去, 以平衡公民與公民之間既權利, 以及國家生存.

如果話"點解唔可以買一支同軍人類似既武器", 事實上法律係俾唔到答案既. 一方面可以話軍人用既個人武器咪同民兵既設立有直接關係羅. 但係另一方面政府可以話容許擁有呢種槍械"可能"(應該有案例講過-----掛?)對其他人既權利或者對國家安全造成不成比例既威脅, 所以要禁左佢. 不過去到最後, 點樣不成比例同點樣同設立民兵有關係, 呢個又係睇返成個時空. 1939 年可能係講緊散彈槍, 今日講可能會係講緊AA12?

所以, nope. 用reductio ad absurdum 去拗的話, 去到最後就會變成師奶講價 -- 點解機關槍可以, 但係機關炮就唔得; 點解手槍可以但係衝鋒槍又唔得, etc, etc.

[ 本帖最後由 derp 於 8-11-2017 10:13 編輯 ]
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke

