原帖由 Kwind 於 20-8-2017 19:54 發表
NOVA KIT其實最唔鐘意佢跟條鋁外管
佢NOVA 自己有出鋼外管...但香港好似冇得賣
另外NOVA D小零件我砌過好多支...D槍砌完都就咁掛出黎冇咩特別保養 ...
Agreed. As nice as the kit is, the barrel that ships with the package is just serviceable at best.
Try to search Anvil chamber and pair it with a NOVA straight barrel, this should solve your problem. Nice collection you've got sir.
本帖最後由 chnzwh 於 20-8-2017 22:46 編輯 ]