

I don't agree with blaming everything on 立法會效率低 & 罪魁禍首真係D尊貴既議員...

Why 香港政府 thought 這個博物館 DIDN'T worth their trouble BEFORE Singapore shows interest ... ?

Why 香港政府 suddenly thinks 這個博物館 does worth their trouble AFTER Singapore shows interest ... ?

Action speaks louder than words ... this sudden change of mind demonstrated ...

(1)  香港政府 DID NOT review this project thoroughly within the passed 10 years.  

If they did & concluded as "這個博物館 does worth their trouble" ... they would have still standing by their conclusion ... may be ... behind the back ... even laughing at Singapore政府 from doing such a thing.

(2) If 香港政府 DID review this project thoroughly within the passed 10 years & concluded as "這個博物館 doesn't worth their trouble" ... but change their conclusion AFTER Singapore shows interest ...

香港政府 has assumed the Singaporean knows something they don't ...

Therefore, by this action of sudden change of mind on the part of 香港政府... 香港政府've admitted that the Singaporean 政府 is BETTER than 香港政府!!

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 1-3-2009 11:15 編輯 ]
Waiting Patiently for Game Start

