
有冇人知道 3 Commando Birgade 有新成員

原帖由 SB_Douglas 於 17-5-2008 17:58 發表
有冇人知道 British Army 1 rifle batttalion 重新組合
跟 3 commando Birgade 領導 重新命名
Army Commando
http://www.army.mod.uk/infantry/ ... /1_rifles/index.htm
is now a manoeuvring battalion under the order of battle of 3 Commando Bde
but the latter is still under RM.

I understand that Army Commandos were all  disbanded after WWII, and the role of amphibious assault was completely subsumed under RM. Before that, there were both Army and RM Commandos.

As for Army Commando, anybody still remember "The Longest Day" - Lord Lovat's commando linking up with Maj Howard's glider borne infantry (Ox & Buck)?

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 17-5-2008 20:20 編輯 ]


I stand corrected.

I just noticed today on some pictures of the Joint RAF/AAC/RM suport helicopter standards team that visited Hong Kong GFS a few months ago - two Army SNCOs  wore a black  on olive arc shape "Army Commando" shoulder title on both sleeves of their Soldier 95 DPM shirt, with the 3 Commando Bde TRF beneath it (and Para Wings in between by one of SNCO) on the upper right sleeve. One the upper left sleeve the line up was "ARMY COMMANDO", the miniature Union Jack, and the Commando Dagger. It may be the case that army personnel assigned to 3 Commando Bde and passed the Commando Course are now eligible to wear the insignia.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 26-5-2008 01:32 編輯 ]


Is HRH Prnce Andrew "army personnel assigned to Commando Cde"

I also have pics of Prince Andrew in RAF No 1 Service Dresss wearing the Commando Dagger

Let me cite an example, I've neither seen nor heard of any RAF Personnel who passed the All Arms Commando Course wear the Green Beret even if they are awarded with it but they surely wear the "Commando Dagger". They always wear the Air Force Blue-grey beret even when "Commando qualified". Mind you I personally know a few RAF Regiment personnel who wear the "Commando Dagger" but they just can't be members of the 3 Commando Bde, being on a Airfield Defence Squadron or assigned as instructors at the RAF College

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Arms_Commando_Course  - what is on the last sentence of the 1st paragraph?

With due respect, IN THIS CASE I have full confidence in my knowledge gained from my service experience
(There are of course millions of things I don't know...)

Any reponse to the pic, Marine SB_Dougals?

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 1-6-2008 00:36 編輯 ]


原帖由 SB_Douglas 於 1-6-2008 00:39 發表

Thanks for info!
but i was saw the april Combat & Survival, said that the Army Commando  is not need fully train & passed the Commando Course.
Not every Army personnel assigned to the 3 Commando Bde needs to pass the Commando Course, similar to the fact that not everyone assigned to the former 5 Airborne Bde or the current 16 Airmobile Bde needs to airborne qualified.

Any one assigned to 3 Commando Bde can wear the brigade's TRF (dagger in a square) on the upper right sleeve, but only those who passed the Commando Course can wear the "Commado Dagger" - the reversed triangle dagger badge on the upper left arm.

On posting to 3 Commado Bde as one of the brigade's battalions, 1 RIFLES soldiers are understandably "encouraged" to pass the Commando Course, but by no means the entire outfit will be commando qualified.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 1-6-2008 18:29 編輯 ]

