

紅堪保X的 Reloader,就是小弟二十年前送給艾廸先生的開張禮物,但用合桃殼洗子彈殼,則是親眼睇到先知!

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 7-12-2007 20:11 編輯 ]


Mswong 兄,請勿怪小弟唔得醒...「扒利突」係咪「好萊塢」?


回覆 #13 mswong 的帖子

回 mswong 兄,小弟玩槍乃在大學時代(1980's)的美國,因家父是槍痴,家中有四、五十支槍 (AR15, HK93, HK91, HK94, Mini 14, Kar98K, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, Remington M870, Thompson Semi-Auto, Wather P38, Berretta M84..)至九十年代,則只是服務輔助部隊及制服團體,今天則是其中一隊輔助部隊的 Adjutant。


[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 10-12-2007 23:32 編輯 ]



只記得次次APWT都要去老防槍房「戒」D 輔助空軍嘜頭 "RHKAAF" Browning 去用


回覆 #22 mswong 的帖子

Shaffi's 便是印度咖喱囉! 仲好記得 薄餅只有chappati 冇 Naan


原帖由 mswong 於 15-12-2007 23:17 發表
回ms 兄,輔助部隊只是服務社會,以小弟部隊來說,比你做到最大一拖二又點? 膊頭都係有個(A) 字 (行內人說「A貨服務隊」)。 每次到能以業餘身份為身處危難人仕平安脫離險境出一分力,便是最大的回報了! 而為部隊弟兄姊妹爭取撥款、開位、升級、嘉許,亦是對自己能力的挑戰。

我估坐正就冇機會勒! 個部隊唔執笠的話,排櫈仔到退休都或者會係一拖一(又如何?)


I would certainly love to....although nothing can be said 100% sure. I think it is on the 08/09 budget and also from what my two bosses told me

I made Sgt from Cpl in 1.5 year and AC to Cpl in 2 years,  and then 2 1/2 pip from one pip in 3 years.

So you don't think so?

May be you know something that I don't?

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 17-12-2007 01:18 編輯 ]


Well, you may or may not know the other half of my job - wheeling and dealing with administration for the best interest (promotion, budgets, training opportunites, even uniform scale) of the Auxies, and of course Ops duty is not just sitting there with nothing to do lor as you will be too aware if  you are an insider as you suggest (same for a beat constable walking on his beat). And to me it is to keep myself abreast of the the frontline actions so that I can do a better job as an administrator.

As for which bosses - please see pm

Nothing in life is 100% sure - we all do the best we could, and I won't feel particularly bad if its does not happen. But if it happens (even if it is due to consequential promotion if you know the organization chart), will you buy me a drink? Maybe I buy you one?

Whether you are a senior or a junior, one more friend is better than one more enemy, and your tone (even if you are a senior) is certainly not helpful for building friendship and rapport. Courtesy always works - no matter which position or rank you hold.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 17-12-2007 20:43 編輯 ]


Well, that certainly sounds a great deal more friendly.

If you know me then you should also know that the service record I cited is true, and I am not the only one. Since it is not a profession but a community service, it really makes no difference what insignia one wears on the shoulders.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 18-12-2007 11:43 編輯 ]

