

原帖由 jwlchan 於 17-12-2007 10:12 發表
Furthermore, I could not see there is any difference to a 2 Pips or a 3 Pips in the Britsih Army.
This is a good subject for discussion but will certainly evoke a lot of emotional remarks

I will come back later this evening.

Responding to jwlchan, in the British Army and the Armies of most Commonwealth countries (Australia, Canada, NZ, even India and Pakistan), 2 pips (Lt) is  normally a platoon/troop commander, whereas a 3 pips (Capt) is normally a Second-in-Command of Company/Squadron/Battery, an adjutant in a Battalion/(Cavalry) Regiment, or a grade 3 staff officer (SO3) in an HQ formation, so there is a very real difference in status and authority between a two piper and a three piper.

In most other non-commonwealth countries (US, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, France), an army captain is a conpany commander, so one may say in those armies a captain has slightly more authority than a captain in the British or Commonwalth Armies.


Dear jwlcan sze hing - thanks for sharing your experience. A Maj/Lt Cdr/Sqn Ldr serving in a staff position would normally be titled as  SO2....anyway...just my recollection...you are from the Army so you are the expert... I am not

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 17-12-2007 20:31 編輯 ]


雖然叫 RSM, RQMS 但實質上是「營」總部人員,為營長 (Commanding Officer / Battalion Commander)之主要幕僚

