
致曾當英軍的朋友們... (感激萬分!!!)

原帖由 khwchan888 於 31-10-2007 14:42 發表
Major at  24 in the British Army, is a joke.  You graduate around 22 from academy as a second lt., at least 8-10 years to become a Capatain!!!!  Then another 3-5 to become a Major.  You consider  ...
Should read 3 to 5 years to become a Captain

Another 7 to 10 years to be promoted to Major


原帖由 Royal_9413 於 1-11-2007 22:08 發表
It's possible, but only during a general all out war like WWI or WWII when the casualty rate was horrific and there was a huge number of command slots to fill.

Colonel by late 20's/early 30's were quite common in WWI and WWII

But during peace time, promotion to Major would normally require 10 to 12 years of commissioned service and through positive selection.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 2-11-2007 01:06 編輯 ]


An old colleague of mine (the Queen's Colour bearer). He is enjoying his present life with TA very very much - truly passionate.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 10-11-2007 22:08 編輯 ]


Chairman - funny too that the guy I know and the guy you know are in the same Colour Party!

I am also pleased to learn that Mr Colour Bearer is living the life he wishes to live, including deployment next year to Iraq. It is his dream life. While he was in Hong Kong we spent a lot of time sipping coffee and hearing him whining....

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 11-11-2007 00:05 編輯 ]


Very recent photo I think - sent to me a month ago.


Lt or Capt? Were you from the RHKR(V)?


我個朋友/舊同事叫「尊﹞唔係「牛白」,前者為 前老防Volunteer,係者係HKMSC 借去老防做 Adjutant

「牛白」先生尋日 Remembrance  Day仲見到佢

