

HKAC - Hong Kong Adventure Corps

Descendant of the RHKR(V) Junior Leadership Corps and is Hong Kong's equivalence to the UK Army Cadet Force. Funded partially by the Home Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR Govt.

Their performance on the National Day, 1.10.07

For illustration's sake, performance on the same day by sister units (Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps and Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps).



I see U.S.A.F., and U.S. Navy in the back ground.


There were plenty of US Service personnel turning up on the Remembrance Day of 11 Nov 07 - I recall one US Navy Captain, A USAF LT COL, a US Army  Lieutenant Colonel, and many NCOs and Petty Officers. They are all from the US Consulate-General.

The former Governor-General of Canada (Mrs Clarkson, a Chinese lady born in Hong Kong) was there too.

Members from the three cadet corps took a group picture and received congratulory remarks from Brigadier Chris HAMMERBECK, former commander of 4 Armoured Brigade, British Army, in the first Gulf War (1991).

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 26-11-2007 18:15 編輯 ]


原帖由 tango10 於 26-11-2007 18:47 發表

亦可以話有一班做完英軍, 老防或做唔成英軍或老防的人一點心理安慰及投射!
If it is a fair definition, it might be applicable equally to ACF or CCF (Army) in UK.

However, HKACC is also vocationally oriented to prepare young people for possible service in the Hong Kong Aviation Industry. Two cadet pilots were recruited in FY 2007/08 by GFS, one is (still is) an air cadet and the other attended PPL(H) ground school organized by the air cadets. 1/4 of GFS aircrew are former or serving HKACC members, including the Head of the Department.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 26-11-2007 19:20 編輯 ]


Different organization, different approach. Many recruits now join HKACC to prepare themselves for possible service in the Aviation Industry, which is good. And the number of successful cases gathered momentum in earnest since 2003 or 2004.


Hong Kong Adventure Corps - you may wish to visit it homepage

