

原帖由 Royal_9413 於 21-5-2008 00:17 發表

有個HKACC C Sqn的下士話係馬記抽起份波箱放返舊鐵落去ge
我都係佢咁講, 我咁打架咋
Off couse not - the rifles are full  metal replicas with operating metal bolts and genuine M16A2 front grips - sprayed to authentic  AR15 colour and indiviudally reinforced by the licensed firearms dealer Hollywxxxx. Real (but made safe and blunt) bayonets are issued and of course they cannot be fixed on plastic replcas.

After the introduction of the metal replicas, three years ago there was an offer of L1A1s by a Government dept but it was politely turned downed  by HKACC because

(a)  Deactivited firearms require a designated armoury to stow them;
(b)  Deactivated firearms require a license from the Police each time they are deployed outside base;
(c)  OSH factor: AR15's weight and size deemed more suitable for use by both male and females members; and
(d)  the Management considers the more modern silhouette of AR15 better suits HKACC than SLR.

A wingco should be a more reliable and authoritative source than a corporal.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 18:24 編輯 ]


(1) Replica rifles - in other words - not real. Real M16A2 front grips and real M7 Bayonets (but chrome plated and made blunt and safe).

(2) How much - $2000 base unit, $500 service charge for structural reinforcement by the arms dealer, $400 to $500 for the M-7 Bayonet plus chroming and "blunting"

(2) Political correctness - SA80 is only used by the British Armed Forces. AR15 is used by the HK government.

The metal AR15 replica is the only officially authorised HKACC Drill Purpose Rifle (there are even written regulations governing its uses). SA80 replicas are used by very few units as "toy guns" and can no longer be carried at any formal parades.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 01:29 編輯 ]


I suggested to Lt Cdr CHOW who is in charge of Drill in HKSCC to consider adopting the new metal SA80 air soft guns, as Brigadier Chris Hammerbeck (Commander of 4 Armd Bde at the first Gulf War in 1991), CE of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong mentioned last year at one social occasion that after seeing HKACC Honour Guards, the BCC was willling to donate some surplus SA80 bayonets to HKSCC. To what extent the HKSCC embrace (or otherwise) the idea I don't know.


may be the new metal ones can allow bayonet fixing ... I don't know, up to HKSCC to find out themselves..I only passed on the tips that no less than Brig Hammerbeck of the Desert Jerboa was willing to influence the local British Chamber of Commerce to support.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 01:57 編輯 ]


原帖由 bg12_2 於 21-5-2008 01:33 發表
very details! thx

SURPRISE that Air Cadets using over $3000 rifle in each Guards cadet!
Resources put to frontline.  You may also be surpirsed that each 20 min helicopter flight for cadet costs on average $425 per head ($300 for R44 and $550 per head for EC120), and there are up to 1200 flights each year, subject to weather and aircraft serviceability

Each glider schcholarship costs at least $13,000, there  are 5 each year, plus one  full $30000 scholarship

Each of the 6 x 10-hr flyiing scholarships  costs $20,000 apiece. The four one month scholarships to Adelaide cost more than $100,000 each (inlcuding flight training costs, room and board, return air fare).

The annual RAF Training Team visit costs $50,000 to $100,000 each year, depending on content.

The 14 HKACC Ceremonial Swords were specially ordered from Wilkinson based on the RAF design but with custom engravings such as HKSAR Bauhinia, and HKACC Roundel in lieu of the Crown above the Air Force eagle. They come in three lengths of blade for use by officers of different statures (32 in [standard], 30 in, 28 in [especially for ladies]). Each costs $17,000 including ceremonial belt. The next batch of swords are likely to be ordered from Germany where a company has bought the toolings and rights of Wilkinson's

Don't get me wrong, just wish to illustrate that it is not a simple operation to run a Cadet Corps and to provide good leadership and aviation educaiton for our young people.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 14:33 編輯 ]


原帖由 bg12_2 於 21-5-2008 14:59 發表

RAF Training Team?? Mountain Rescue like CAS??
Check this out please
http://302.no-ip.org/cgi-bin/302 ... pic=946&show=30


Thanks, unfortunately the latest intake of direct entry officer cadets and recruit instructors (i.e. airmen) will commence their selection interview this Sunday. This year's disciplined forces volunteers intake (for serving and retired members of the HK disciplined and auxiliary forces) has already started training two weeks ago... you are most welcome next year.

This July, the CAS will be invited to send observers to the UKTT 08 programme

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 23:46 編輯 ]


原帖由 gd1893 於 21-5-2008 21:51 發表


BTW,在下 ...

My personal opinion is that the classroom discipline is a bit strict, which is not really necessary for disciplined forces colleagues, unless they are on the parade ground experiencing the difference of "Air Force" style and HK Disciplne Force style drill through practice. I think the Directing Staff can make it a bit more easy going.

Please let the Directing Staff know how to better improve the next course by way of course evaluation.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 22-5-2008 00:25 編輯 ]


原帖由 derek_lok 於 22-5-2008 21:08 發表


各有各好啦~ 亦唔係比正規紀律部隊差十分遠,不妨自己下判斷

Continuity Drill

http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=IvvXEQWH6B8&feature=related (HKAC)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=fzAhAg0Ub6s&feature=related (HKSCC)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=_nKbTXB1hg8&feature=related (HKACC Team 1 - RAF style C Sqn)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=eJZ9_7ypAw4&feature=related (HKACC Team 2 - HKPF style 606 Sqn)

http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=F0cNaztDRNI&feature=related (RM Continuity Drill)

March Past
Any film clip from HKAC on the net?
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=wwYONuN_yEg&feature=related (HKSCC)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=njQkAKohXTA&feature=related (HKACC)

http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=kkuYOZy-LbU&feature=related (RAF Airman Recruits POP)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=KHGEsELHans&feature=related (Parachute Regiment POP)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=XVSLIWi_9Z4&feature=related (RM POP)

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 22-5-2008 23:55 編輯 ]


原帖由 gd1893 於 22-5-2008 23:46 發表
Auxair Sir,  你講呢點正係我地DSVS同學,

但亦都因為咁 ...
Thanks for your input - please check pm

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 23-5-2008 01:01 編輯 ]


原帖由 Shan10 於 29-5-2008 01:52 發表
各位,大家當傾下咪算lor,我都識唔少ug 的人, 最後我覺得就係,
隊隊都, 除左真係好似derek 兄講, hq 外, 別無救藥

打比例: 童子軍10年來, 不斷downgrade, 都唔知係咩, 我見證著衰退, 慘不忍睹

後少 ...
係真唔係真? 呢兩隊都唔係HQ隊噃....

(606 [Police Children] Sqn)

(602 [HKU SPACE] Sqn)



原帖由 derek_lok 於 29-5-2008 16:17 發表


但在下想請教一個問題,,小朋友既制服團體,,值得一班成年人說三道四嘛??在下一向都唔明點解要對佢地評頭品足??制服團體係訓練小朋友既機構,,點解要搵小朋友來 ...
Good job then, Scout Association. I never doubt the standard of our scout brothers and sisters. Even though they are not practising armed drill (we'll never know), members of the Scout Association drill team are now wearing pips and chervons on their uniform like the army (or the police), on the epaulettes and above the shoulder title "HKSA" - quite a transformation indeed from original philosophy of Lord Baden-Powell. The Scout Mess Dresses are already quite impressively "police looking", with the police style service cap, complete with silver/golden braids or oak leaves on the peak.

I am merely highlighting the fact that even non-HQ units can be good, given efforts, determination and good instructors, in response to the statement "除左由HQ直接管轄,,直接訓練既直屬部隊外,,請問有咩質素可言??"

Friendly competition is a way of life and in most circumstances unavoidable. It was through competition held at the Police College on 26 April between the Scouts, Girl Guides, BB, Red Cross, St John Ambulance Cadets, CAS Cadets, Road Safety, HKACC, HKSCC and HKAC (GB did no take part) that representatives from two uniformed groups were chosen to be the Golden Bauhinia Square Flag Raisers on 4 May morning.

I was actively involved in the preparation work of two of the chosen Flag Raisers. So I think they felt that their leaders were standing by them.

And I never critcized any UGs, just praising them.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 29-5-2008 20:14 編輯 ]


回覆 #77 qm00 的帖子

"Good Job then, Scout Association" - my response to" 咁我可以同你講,,Scout既警察子弟旅一樣咁堅~"

Yes, there are reports (albeit uncorroborated) that the  Hong Kong Scout Association Drill Team is practising armed drills. What have been positively confirmed and witnessed are the wearing of disiciplined/armed forces style pips and chervons on the uniform of Drill Team Members.

Just sharing some interesting observations and new developments. The right of HKSA Management on how best to run the organization is fully respected.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 30-5-2008 14:04 編輯 ]


We've all heard (some of us seen) the myth. The second to none silent drill of RHKR(V) J Corps  

Now thanks to modern technology in the form of YouTube, we can travel back in time to relive the good old days


My view - when compared to the modern HKAC, HKSCC and HKACC, I am not really impressed (except perhaps their blank firing SLRs), and they were all boys, no girls (I give extra credits to girls drilling with swords and rifles)   - but that is just my personal opinion

http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=IvvXEQWH6B8&feature=related (HKAC)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=fzAhAg0Ub6s&feature=related (HKSCC)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=_nKbTXB1hg8&feature=related (HKACC Team 1 - RAF style C Sqn)
http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=eJZ9_7ypAw4&feature=related (HKACC Team 2 - HKPF style 606 Sqn)

How about you?

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 5-6-2008 02:28 編輯 ]

