nonono, because i don't want argue here~~i'm went to the gun street and bought some military book and magazine to take a look, and also saw some website about sniper and sniper rifile, and ask some shop too, but different shop had different answer. so, i think in here i can get a right answer. I know sniper is a one kind of soldier, and they will make the ghille by themselves. and i buy the m700 aics and make the ghille suit because i want to be a sniper, but in here, some guys said use gas is not stable, so i think i'll buy the hand bolt. and i know some like a vsr10, maurzen type 96, svd(korea) are also hand bolt, i just want to get some suggestion.Price, i check that in the gun street, and i don't know which price is the reasonal price so ijust want to ask, sorry again, give a few trouble to a few people