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原帖由 rho837 於 17-5-2011 14:48 發表 喂! 煩請盡快刪除第一張相! 因住比人開file. Around this time! Woo! He is clever engough to tell the police how he import the PARTS from oversea!
原帖由 5sfll970 於 18-5-2011 06:46 發表 灰色嘢, 都係低調D啦. 唔通你想人地幫你驗下D嘢究竟係唔係犯法咩...
原帖由 rho837 於 18-5-2011 11:22 發表 細路! 如果上頭問Is your Wooden Handguard and metal folding stock from REAL GUN or not? Where did you buy them? 個代表律師回答! My clinet is not appropriate to answer your question right now! 都係勸告一 ...