CGF 地下判官
原帖由 fire23wong 於 17-2-2007 00:30 發表 我又要打
原帖由 Northwood 於 17-2-2007 00:59 發表 真係?.50喎
原帖由 gtoray 於 17-2-2007 02:13 發表 crazy recoil~
原帖由 Henry 於 17-2-2007 11:33 發表 the muzzle energy of a .500S&W is 3 times the muzzle energy of a .44mag(making it not the most powerful handgun in the world anymore!!!!) the pistol has good compensating cuts in the barre ...
原帖由 match_man 於 17-2-2007 14:47 發表 有無得加buttstock.....
原帖由 Henry 於 19-2-2007 15:15 發表 acutally what really stuck me as scary wasn't only the energy those things generated.. it was how accurate they were. guys at my range shoot 100m targets with .44mag's and .357 mags all the time. ...
原帖由 WAIKO01 於 20-2-2007 18:00 發表 無知一問:“板機操控”是什麼?
原帖由 Henry 於 20-2-2007 07:33 發表 i'd totally agree with a disciplined trigger finger you can always shoot good.. but you can't say everything.. honestly i'll give you my RPK if you can hit half as good as those .44 mags can with ...
原帖由 忽必烈 於 22-2-2007 13:30 發表 打大笨象唔知得唔得呢
原帖由 Boniface 於 23-4-2007 14:59 發表 傻ga... 燒過一次.38已經頂唔順....